Whether or not you have a sweetie on Valentines Day this year, you can make your own 80/10/10 style holiday meal pretty easily. Make a beautiful breakfast smoothie for yourself or your loved one, or slice up some mangoes into heart shaped pieces. There you go, festive and edible!
It’s just starting to become mango season, you will see them available at grocery stores slowly, but they will be in full availability starting in April.
I got these mangoes from Costco and they are starting to ripen up.
How To Cut Mangos Into Heart Shape Pieces
To make heart shaped mango slices, you’re going to need a really sharp preferably thin knife. Slice off the cheeks of the mango (around the inner woody pit) and trace an outline on the skin in a heart shape, or any desired shape. Carefully cut out the mango trying to be as smooth in your cuts as possible. When you’re done you can trim any choppy bits after to make it look more streamlined.
Serve your mango pieces on top of a fresh fruit salad or smoothie. You can use any leftover scraps in a delicious smoothie as well. I saved mine for the smoothie below.
Raw Vegan Valentines Day Smoothie: Cherry Mango Love
Serves 1
2-3 ripe bananas (spotted all over)
2 ripe mangoes (very soft and wrinkly all over)
1-2 cups frozen black cherries (Dole, H-E-B and Costco all have these available. Costco in Canada)
Place mangoes in the bottom of your Vitamix or blender, then bananas and then frozen cherries on top. If you need to you can add a little water to make it blend easier, but I like my smoothies thick. Blend until smooth.
Serve and garnish if desired.
Additional Tips:
If you don’t have frozen black cherries, you can use frozen raspberries. Strawberries are a possibility, just make sure they are sweet.
You can easily make this a green smoothie by adding some spinach to it. The cherries will mask the green colour and make it look more purplish.
What do you think of this recipe? Are you doing anything special for a raw vegan Valentines Day?
#5 I love this combination of fruits. I use these on a regular basis. And I love to make smoothie “puddings”. I will try this with the celery too 🙂
I made this for Andrew this morning. I added 1/2 pound of celery to the recipe. He LOVED it and drank the whole thing! 🙂
Yay! So glad Andrew got a nice Valentines Day themed breakfast 🙂
Love the great mango love-hearts! This looks and sounds so delicious – am going to try it as you suggest, without water. It’ll be more like a pudding-type consistency…
I look forward to all your recipes, Veronica – especially the raw ones – but the cooked ones too! I write them all into my recipe book. Actually, what I love about the cooked ones is that they are low or no fat, without the fake/unhealthy substitutes a lot of those types of recipes have to have to add taste. It’s really rare – so I take my hat off to you for all your efforts!
In the meantime, I’m getting quite a stash of cooked vegan recipes either for my own rainy day or to cook for someone who comes over! 🙂
That’s cute! Don’t worry all my best recipes will be available in recipe ebooks too. Just working on them, so if you have any vegans or omnis to wow you’ll have an already made guaranteed delicious and low fat recipe book to work with.
I’m such a fan of simple fruits and vegetables seasoned really well. I hate fake meats, cheeses and soy products overtaking every vegan dish, so I use why I like eating and what’s still familiar to people new to vegan food.
This is so Beautiful, what a great idea with the heart shape, never thought of that..Thank U..UR such a Beautiful and Talented Sista.
Happy Valentine’s Day (VD)..
Just a note about VD..
it is not about Giving R power away ..laying in ..Want of ..someone special in r life 2 love us. Empower thyself with thy Inner love 4 that is the one and ONLY Love that really means. Everything…the rest is frosting on the cake.
An other person who loves U can walk away and leave or stay.however the Empowerment of love that lies w/in is ALWAYS there.
From one Soul Sista 2 Another 🙂
Thanks Geri! I appreciate the feedback. Hope you had a great Valentines Day too. 😀
I’m going to try this one Veronica and it looks great and easy too. Thanks for sharing this recipe!
Stay well,