I have a really great educational graphic on the affects of obesity in America that I wanted to share with you. The designer asked if I could post it on my website as it is in line with what I’m teaching. (Scroll down)
I want everyone to realize that people are gaining more weight and faster than ever before because of the amount of fast food and convenient foods available.
In many states children grow up without every really having a home cooked meal. I even know many adults that would rather eat out every meal of the day than cook something at home (even though this is much more expensive). Yes cooking takes some time, but honestly exercising and dieting takes even more time, so why not make a few more meals at home and save both time AND money doing so?
You may or may not have heard about the KFC Double Down. Many of you will think oh, but not many people eat like that. Well KFC would not have put so much time and money into promoting this sandwich nationally if they didn’t know for a FACT that Americans (and Canadians) would want to eat it, given the chance. And they were right. Even though you know this is obviously not healthy for you, many people are eating it as a novelty, for fun, or because it looks decadent or “manly”.
This nutritional info is straight from KFC’s website
Item: | Calories | Fat (g) | Sodium (mg) |
KFC Double Down | 540 | 32 | 1380 |
Potato Wedges | 290 | 15 | 810 |
20 oz. Pepsi | 210 | 0 | 45 |
Total: | 1040 | 47 | 2215 |
Avg. Rec. limit 2000 calories/ Daily limit 65 g/ Daily limit 1500 mg
(Even if you don’t eat a double down chicken sandwich meal, remember a lot of people eat fried chicken, cheese and bacon as part of fast food meals as well.)
My goal with this website is to help educate people on how to eat MORE plant foods and how to make them 100% healthy and low in fat. Far too often people fall into the trap of craving only battered, deep fried, cheezy, creamy and barbecued food and forsake simple fruit and vegetable based dishes because they’ve either never had them or don’t think they would taste good at all.
This is a shame.
I guarantee you that if you try some of my recipes you will enjoy them. My recipes are not just designed for vegans and vegetarians who like healthier foods, they are designed with lots of flavour that many SAD (Standard American Diet) eaters or omnivores don’t even realize that it is oil free and vegan.
If I can get a SAD/omnivore to exclaim wow this is really good I want more, then my job has been a success.
So far it is working on my friends and family and they are slowly learning how to make more meals from scratch (and they are losing weight too!)
If you continue to eat fast food and junk food when you’re young, it’s very likely that your future will end up like this. The pounds will continue to creep every year and one day you won’t know what happened or even when it started.
Did you know that just overeating ONLY twice a year (On Thanksgiving and Christmas) can cause you to gain a pound or more? So every year your weight is increasing by 1 lb and in 10 years you’ll be 10 lbs heavier.
Combine that with DAILY treats and overeating just to satisfy your “sweet tooth” or “fat tooth” (in some people) and this can be as much as 5 lbs a year. I’m not kidding. To gain an extra 5 lbs a year, you’d only have to eat an 48 EXTRA calories more than you needed every day! That’s the equivalent to an apple or 1 bite of a chocolate bar! (If you ate an extra apple a day you probably would not gain this much weight as it has so much fibre and takes more energy to digest, but chocolate bars and desserts are high in sugar and fat and unlike a piece of fruit.)
What if you could just walk for 20 minutes a day and switch your dessert for some fruit? What if you switched your breakfast from a mcmuffin and hash browns to a fruit smoothie instead? Or your burger and fries for lunch into a oil free soup and salad?
What if you gradually switched where every meal you were eating was oil free and based on fruits and vegetables instead of bread, oil, meat, cheese, butter and cream?
These things make a big difference over the long run for your health. Not just affecting your weight but affecting your risks for heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.
Start out just trying to eat a little healthier than yesterday. Only compare yourself to yourself, and no one else. Take the time you need, educate yourself, learn how to cook something healthy and new, start walking for fun with a friend.
Thanks for this, it was really interesting. I totally agree with both you and Melissa; I find a lot I bite my tongue to keep from commenting on other people’s habits; I’ve dropped a lot of weight, had my skin clear up (I used to look like a McCain pizza without make-up) and sleep better since I started cooking for myself, mostly vegan. know it’s because of all the instant CRAP I took out by preparing food myself. Lol people get pretty mad when you lecture them about it though, don’t they? I just find it better to be quiet.
The chart is great!! Interesting that though the stats show that “BIG PHARMA” drug abuse, for instance is $ for $ less expensive than the $$$ of expense obesity is going to cost us in N.A. , yet the social stigma are so completely different!! I have an old friend who does not invite me for dinner anymore because of my raw food lecturing. So i recommend not just to ‘get smart’ but have lots of sensitivity!! Show up with your own tray of fruits or zucchini pasta & share with everybody. i grew up totally omnivore This is why today, i would encourage people to tread lightly with loved ones; sit on the other side of the picnic table and pray the wind doesn’t shift!!
Cheers, & thanks for the funnies as printed above.