80/10/10 Recipe: Fat Free Raw Vegan Banana Crepes or Banana Fruit Roll Ups
One of the things that are really hard to make on a raw vegan diet are brunch type recipes, especially low fat or fat free ones. While this raw banana crepe recipe is not anything like a real cooked crepe, they are easy to make and fun to eat when you stuff them full of fresh fruit. They look great and kids will like them too.
This is a recipe I made when I was first working on Savory Raw Dinner Recipes, and as this is not a dinner recipe, I couldn’t include it. But if you love this simple and fresh recipes, you will LOVE my tasty low fat creations in Savory Raw Dinner Recipes. I think the pictures speak for themselves, but we’ve had resounding positive feedback on just how much everyone loves these recipes.
These raw vegan crepes are so easy to make you don’t even need a recipe, you just want to start with ripe spotted bananas and blend one with a little bit of water if necessary in a blender. Get out your dehydrator tray and put a teflex sheet on it and pour the pureed bananas in little rounds about 6-7 inches across. Don’t let them touch each other. Dehydrate them at 105 or 110 F overnight, or until pliable and dry like a fruit roll up.
Roll them up on a plate and serve with chopped fresh fruit, pureed fruit, cinnamon or maple syrup if desired. I put banana ice-cream on mine, but that was a bad idea. It made the roll up freeze and was brittle and hard to eat, so I don’t recommend it! It looks nice though…
For variation, try blending bananas with other ripe fruits to get different flavours. You can also easily create your own home made raw fruit roll ups for a fun treat for kids. When they are dry you can put them on a piece of plastic wrap and roll up like a taquito, making sure that the plastic wrap keeps everything from sticking.
Also if you are into 80/10/10 style raw food recipes with no seasonings and just using fruits and vegetables, check out Frederic’s Low Fat Raw Vegan Cuisine DVDs
What do you think of this recipe? Have you ever made raw crepes or fruit roll ups?
If you do not have a dehydrator can you use an oven? If so how exactlty
I’ve tried this one before. But I never thought it as crepes. Great idea!
I read it somewhere that fruits might get molded (invisible bacteria) when being dehydrated at low temperature for a relatively long period of time (read not lower the temperature set the better I guess?). What’s your suggestion on the temp setting and maximum dehydrating time? I’m using a model similar to this Ronco dehydrator. Thanks!
I only use the excalibur. I have not used this version. I always set mine to about 110, 105 if I’m worried something will over dry, but in fruit it’s not usually a problem so 110 F and then I check it in the morning.
I highly doubt you’d have problems with mould WHILE drying your food. We’re not talking about days and days or a week of drying. It takes more than a few days for mould to start growing if the produce isn’t rotting.
If you dehydrate overnight, this is not a relatively long period of time, and it is not going to grow lots of mould. Also keep your dehydrated stuff in the fridge or freezer if you are worried about it sitting in your cupboard.
I have made these before: just blended banana and poured onto teflex sheets and dehydrated overnight. In the morning I mix blueberries and dates to get a blueberry sauce, and I also add whole blueberries and serve that over the crepes. Yum! My son loves it too!
Yum! Love this idea. I wouldn’t have thought of it 🙂 I rarely use my dehydrator anymore but I will try this ^_^
Sounds great Lorra. It’s fun to make all kinds of fruit leathers as well with mixed berries.
Thanks for the simple recipe. Simple is king! I love the healthy lowfat food creations you share with us.
I made banana crepes once as well, only I blended bananas with cinnamin and ground up chia seeds. Bananas and cinnamin go well together. For the filling, I partially dehydrated strawberry slices and blended it into a strawberry jam. My friend made cashew-based basil-mint ice cream to go with it.
There you go. That’s what I thought this recipe was going to be like. I thought Quinoa but Chia sounds good to. Both being a seed and not a nut or grain like many think they are. I guess I should use my own imagination and come up with somthing.
I hope I wasn’t rude to you in my reply.
So you would have approved had I blended bananas plus chia together. Then it wouldn’t have made you so upset?
Quinoa is extremely bitter raw. Even when some people cook it without soaking it they complain of the bitterness. We do not eat raw grains nor would we advise anyone to do so.
Veronica, just the idea I needed with a bowlful of ripe bananas to do something with. Love the other comments and warnings you made to extend the idea. Pay no mind to the one-eyed detractors – a great answer for “Not-So-Fab”…. you go girl! Regards, Rob.
Thanks Rob. I really enjoy eating fruit simply, and when we stuffed them with mangoes, peaches and bananas, even though it wasn’t like a cooked crepe, it was still like eating a crepe with fresh fruit and bursting with flavour. 🙂
I LOVE this recipe – the fact that the crepe is a single ingredient is a lot of what’s so good about it! It’s really simple to make and easy to digest!
Alas, I too have no dehydrator…… 🙁
May have to remedy that…
I don’t use the dehydrator often, but it is amazing for making your own raw seasonings and grinding them up, making fruit roll ups, making fat free corn chips and tortilla wraps for raw “sandwiches”. I show all of these things in Savory Dinner Recipes. I prefer to use the dehydrator minimally but it is nice to have some sturdy raw creations to use in healthy recipes.
Thanks for the encouragement Veronica…let’s say I were to get a dehydrator – basically for the purposes you’ve outlined here (which all sound very appealing) how big a dehydrator would you recommend for me? I mean, how many trays? I live alone and prepare raw food just for me, on the whole…
When I was single I thought I would get just the 5 tray, but I don’t know. Although the large one is large and takes up space, it is nice to be able to dehydrate things all at once once a week and not have to do it all the time.
If you only have 5 trays you would get maybe 2 trays with corn chips 2 trays with wraps and then only 1 tray of fruit or veggies or whatever.
When I do dehydrated tomatoes I make A LOT so I don’t have to do them again for a long time, and use half the dehydrator for those and the rest for the chips or wraps and/or veggies to make raw seasonings.
Hmmm… when you make raw seasonings, do you use one tray for each – like one tray to make celery powder for example?
When you make that quantity (two – three trays worth) of dehydrated tomatoes, do you end up having to freeze some?
My understanding is that the large one (nine trays) takes up the same footprint as the small – it’s just that it’s taller and uses more electricity, yeah?
I gather you use the large, nine-tray one now and wouldn’t be without it…:)
Yes it would be the same foot print.
Yes I use one tray per thing, but usually if I’m doing cabbage you get a lot of pieces so it can need up to 3 tray. Celery I usually do 2 trays and then tomatoes 2-3 trays and the rest can be corn chips or corn tortillas or fruit roll ups or zucchini chips
Thanks!! 🙂
Great idea to use a long time often used dehydrated fruit wrap as a crepe. I love the idea. It is unfortunate we have to use cooked food descriptions for our raw food creations. Maybe we could come up with new names. Keeping it low fat is the challenge. The temptation is to add coconut yogurt or cashew cream with the fruit stuffing. I would use paper istead of plastic wrap to roll them up for the kiddies. Plastic is dubious for health and environmental reasons.
BooHoo! Don”t have a dehydrator.:-(
I like your website but I have a suggestion that would work for me. Fix your website to print recipes without the pictures like Fuhrman does. I love the pictures but they use so much ink and are not necessary. You have so many good ideas. I have most everything that your husband has ever done and have followed him for some time now. Now I am also following your website.
My website is brand new, we spent quite a lot of money on the design and redesign of it. I dont have that feature yet. We will look into it soon. If you copy and paste the text only you can easily move it to a notepad or word and print just the text without the recipe. Personally i never print recipes i use my ipad or computer in the kitchen. Sorry for the inconvenience
Your website is really beautiful, Veronica! Thanks for your free recipes and info.
Oh, there’s another Theresa here. Cool.
You could also just copy and paste the text into word or similar programs and print them…..just an idea….
would be great with coconut yogurt!
Sorry there dear but this is nothing like a crepe, maybe looks sort of like a crepe but has nothing in it that would say it was a crepe in the traditional sense.
When I got today’s email and read it and the thought of crepes, an old favorite of mine, my mouth started to water. I was like…how and what did she figure out and what ingredients did she use for the crepe???did she use quinoa or some thing else that got ground up and mixed with almod milk or whatever…ok, ok, stop thinking and go see the recipe online…what a diapointment! firstly it is only dehydrated banana’s, nothing new there and second, I don’t have a dehydrater. I guess I won’t have my old favorite beloved crepes today. Talk about mind games, sheesh!
You might want to change the title of this recipe. That is not a crepe.
Sorry for the negative comment.
Your comment is very rude. I am a low fat recipe creator and my focus is raw recipes based on fruits and vegetables not raw grains mixed with fat or nuts to make heavy dehydrated breads. Many people have made these and enjoy them. If you are trying to eat a 100% raw diet you have to realize you cant eat everything raw you do cooked.
If you’re not raw you can still make these as fruit roll ups for travel or kids. Sorry you’re dissapointed but there must be dissatisfaction on your diet on your end to cause you to be so upset at me.
I totally agree. That post and saying that you’re playing “mind games” was just plain rude and uncalled for.
The basic rule of raw food intimating cooked food is that it is never really like the real thing, but yet we still use the same names like crepes, cookies, pasta,…., for things that are inspired by those dishes….even when they don’t taste very much like those dishes. I’m surprised the poster Fab did not know or recognize this, but maybe s/he is new to raw foods ??
Huh! Name calling?? Rude! Huh! Is that a new sales pitch you guys are trying? Hope it works out for you.
You put yourself out on the great wide web and expect not to get negative comments. I apologized for it (that’s what we Canadians do) but the truth or my truth had to be said. I know very well I can cancel my email subscription with you and not have anything to do with you anymore but I do learn things from you and maybe one day when you have something to offer that I need or want, I may purchase something but calling me names is not going to get me to buy anything from you and your hubby Frederique.
I know very well what eating raw is all about but as for yourself and Frederique you seem to know everything there is out there about eating a low fat raw diet and I am ignorant and deserve to be called a name.
This is going to be a nice topic of discussion on my next trip to my local health food store. You guys come up quite often in conversation at the store. You guys are in our topics of conversation with the likes of Dr. Graham, Dr. Gerson and the Gerson institue and others. And guess what??? In those discussion we try to find the best of everything everyone has to offer and ngeative things come up and positive things come up about you and Fred. Very few things come up negative about the others I mentioned above and negative always seems to come up about you and Frederique more so he than you but as the old saying goes, bad reviews are better than no reviews. At least we are talking about you guys.
I wonder what the topic will be like this week????? Should prove to be interesting.
The one big reason you and Frederique come up in conversation so much at the store is because I am/we are from the province of Quebec and we are sort of proud of Frederique. Frederique, I guess, is like the Celine Dion of the Raw Food wolrd. Not quite that popular yet…but you get the picture.
I am pretty sure all the people mentioned above never called people names especially when they were trying to sell their goods or services.
May I suggest that you call up Dupont and order a bucket of Teflon and use some of it on your shoulders and just let the stuff you consider to be rude, negative, not helpfull, ignorant or whatever you do not agree with slide right off. I guess I should do the same and I will after this. I just wanted you to know how this affects and makes you look in the publics eye.
If you wish to contact me privately to discuss this further, by all means do so.
You have my email address.
Wishing you success in your future endevors.
Rude is an adjective, not a noun. I have no idea what you’re talking about by “name calling” But thanks for the public threat of gossiping about us at your local health food store.
I’m shocked you’re upset by an 80/10/10 recipe when you know Fred promotes fruit and a low fat diet. And we have never made a recipe with grains in it, or told anyone to eat raw grains or heavy nut based dishes.
Sorry again. I put my coment under Courtny’s reply. I am so ignorant. It was meant to be here under your reply to my rude comment……
Fab….your comments were out of line. Let me ask you this…Have you ever made that recipe? I assume not, because you dont have a dehydrator….I made something quite similar once and brought it to a potluck, and everyone there was raving about how amazing it was and how much it actually did resemble a crepe in both flavor and appearance/texture. Sure..it wasnt EXACTLY like a crepe…but was pretty close. When the banana *leather* is covered by other pureed fruit and let sit for a few minutes it gets a very spongy crepe like consistency. You should give it a try sometime if you have access to a dehydrator, if you feel so inclined. As for the name etc….as Veronica said…..dont knock it! A veggie burger isnt a burger, and a portabella steak isnt a steak…..etc…A wrap sandwhich using collards isnt the same as a traditional wrap either…so big deal. Id suggest if you dont like the name and if you describe it to someone else, come up with your own name/description that suits you. And…also in the future when responding to give feedback, there are better ways of going about it. Being that you havent made or tasted this, its hard to know what it tastes like or truly resembles…but in any case…you couldve said….Sounds good, but Id prefer something made with *insert ingredients here*. Or….. simply ask how it tastes in comparison to a crepe. Dont knock it till ya tried it! Lastly…your apology was passive aggressive. If you make a comment you know is negative/rude and then at the end of it…say…Sorry I was rude etc…. well…then you’re not really apologizing. Veronica and Courtney were totally in the right to defend against your passive aggressive rude remarks. I sincerely hope you can see why this was offensive in how you went about it…. I hope you have a better day, and find a recipe that suits your own desires.
Thank you Shekinah. 🙂 She wrote me a VERY long private email about how me calling her rude was name calling and that as I have a public website I should expect people to leave negative and very critical comments because I didn’t put a disclaimer (like my husband has recently had to do) on my website saying that overly nasty comments won’t be approved.
He told me he thought it was common sense that people would be polite to each other, especially somewhere they are getting free information.
This is also about recipes. It’s so ridiculous when you think about it. Angry words over a free recipe that wasn’t up to the expectations of the reader, and plus she never has or never will try it.
You just can’t please some people.
But I won’t be approving any more of her nasty comments.
LOL chill out. Damn. It’s just a recipe.
Wow! I’m so excited that the recipe for the crepes is so simple and healthy. That is awesome! Thanks for sharing.
Looks so yummy!
Amazing! I never would have thought to make this. I’ve only ever seen high fat raw crepes. Will be trying these! 😀