This is probably my favorite Amy’s meal that I have tried so far, because there are 3 distinct dishes in it. It’s not spicy, but has some nice flavors to it. Most of Amy’s Indian meals have cream or paneer cheese in them, so I was happy I could try one that was vegan.
They even make it easy to tell on the ingredients list that it’s all vegan. 🙂
Nutritional Information for Amy’s Vegetable Korma. It has about double the amount of sodium per calorie that health experts recommend so it’s a bit too high. It’s also over 34% fat by calories.
Taking it out of the package.
After it’s reheated. It looks a little bit messy, but it tastes better than it looks! Here’s my overall review of it.
Basic Nutritional Info: 310 calories 12 grams of fat 35% fat by calories 9 g of protein
Price: $3.38 USD on sale ($4.99 reg) In Canada $6.29
Taste: Vegetables 4/5 Rice 4/5 Dal 3/5
Texture: Vegetables 4/5 Rice 5/5 Dal 4/5
Healthfulness: 3/5 (high in fat and sodium)
Looks: 4/5
Low fat: No, medium fat recipe
Vegan: Yes
Gluten Free: Yes
Soy Free: Yes
Nut Free: No
GMO Free: Yes
Would I eat it again? Yes for a quick meal.
What could be improved? Use less oil in the recipes and a little less sodium in the dal, it was pretty salty.
Disclosure, I’m doing this review of my own accord, I was not given any free product nor was I paid to do this review.
Have you ever tried Amy’s Vegetable Korma? What do you think?
I love tis. It’s not too spicy.
Disgusting! I purchased this today and was so excited to try this but to my dismay the food smelled and tasted horrid. I was looking up reviews on this product to see if anyone else came to the same conclusion as I did and I saw that reviews on this roduct were mixed. Either people hated the vegetable Korma or people loved it. I eat authentic Indian food and have Indian family members so I can tell what real and fake Indian tastes like and let me tell you this was fake Indian