I used to love chicken pot pies growing up (easy for kids to cook themselves naturally) and probably ate them too frequently. I loved how crispy and tasty the crust was on them. I was surprised to find a vegan version of this traditional pot pie and thought I’d try it out.
Honestly it’s not my favorite from Amy’s Kitchen, but I do commend them for trying to make this vegan pot pie lower in fat and healthier than the original. However the crust is a little hard and dry when you bake it up and not very delicious. Inside the tofu has a chicken-like flavour but there seems to be more crust than filling. I think I’ll skip trying to make vegan pot pies myself and opt for a hearty veggie stew instead when I get a craving for something like this.
Ingredients and directions.
Nutritional Information
Taking it out of the package
I tried to get a picture of the insides so I broke into the crust with my fork, but you can tell it’s got a lot of empty space in there. For around the same calories I’d pick Amy’s Bean & Rice burrito as it’s a little more filling and satisfying. If you have a craving for a vegan version of chicken pot pie, this may do it for you though.
Basic Nutritional Info: 320 calories 19 grams of fat 53% fat by calories 22 g of protein
Price: $3.74 USD on sale ($4.99 reg) In Canada about $6-$7
Taste: Dry crust, tofu not bad, missing more vegetables
Healthfulness: 2/5 (high in fat and sodium)
Looks: 2/5
Low fat: No, high fat recipe
Vegan: Yes
Gluten Free: No
Soy Free: No
Nut Free: Yes
GMO Free: Yes
Would I eat it again? Probably not. It’s mostly dough and hardly any filling. The gravy is supposed to be the best part and it’s very dry overall.
What could be improved? More sauce, more filling!
Disclosure, I’m doing this review of my own accord, I was not given any free product nor was I paid to do this review.
Have you ever had Amy’s Vegetable Pot Pie? What did you think?
This is not a sponsored post. PlantBasedU received no compensation for reviewing this product. It’s just a popular brand in the vegetarian community.
I LOVE Amy’s products and have a full pantry full of Amy’s soups (my favorites) and some freezer meals for quick lunches. This was my first time to try this pot pie and I would not recommend it. The smell was off and the taste was not good at all. Like the previous posts say, way more crust to filling ratio.
Sad to say because i love amys but the pot pies are baffling. All dough and a mere snack for a super model inside.
Totally agree. All dough BARELY any fiilling.
I love the Amys Vegan pot pie. I love them so much i crave them, I didnt like it at first, but tastes change.
These pot pies are terrible. The flavor was nothing close to a pot pie, the gravy/sauce was a tasteless gruel.. The ingriendients were suppose to be veggie were nasty. I will never buy one of their pot pies again
I tried this the other day. I love pot pies and I love Amy’s products. It obviously wasn’t as delicious as a “real” pot pie but I still really liked it. I did notice how the crust was getting kinda hard and brushed some water over the top though to try and help
I am a chicken pot pie fan and have tried all of them on the market. I have to say Amy’s is the absolute worst. A whole lot of dough, but NO show! I can’t believe how bad it was. Certainly I followed the directions.
Yes there is a lot more dry dough than filling I agree!