I wanted to make a little video for you to show off my new printed version of Vegan Comfort Foods From Around The World. I just received my sample proof on Tuesday and here I am showing you what it looks like and what’s inside.
Right now Vegan Comfort Foods From Around The World is on pre-sale so make sure to grab your copy here: http://www.plantbasedu.com/comfortfoods
Thank you for your support everyone! I can’t wait until you can have my book in your kitchen and enjoy making healthy meals for you and your family.
Gosh you sure look nice. And so do your creations! I can’t wait to get your book. I was wondering if you have any advice for people who are sensitive to salicylates? My wife suffered for 30 years until we finally found a Dr. who recognized her symptoms.
We are both vegan and now we are trying to minimize her contact with high salicylate foods. But it seems to be just about everywhere. So if you have any recipies for yummy AND low salicylate meals …. well maybe there is a market out there…we can’t be the only ones.
I can hardly wait to get mine!
Awww thanks for the tease, I am excited to get the books I ordered. I hate to admit cookbooks are often my bedtime reading material. Oh course you can do that with the ebook, but just not as fun! It looks like the design is laid out nicely. Also I appreciate how in the recipes you don’t leave us hanging…if there is a new ingredient you tell us what it is and where to get it. You have done that also on the cooking, baking steps, that is so helpful. That is something I have really appreciated in the ebook version.
I have given the ebook away for gifts to family and plan to do the same with the hard copy. A great gift for those needing a little encouragement with their health, even if they are not vegans…everyone can try the new recipes and perhaps do meatless Mondays. I often hear, “yes we should probably eat less meat”. These recipes won’t scare them away from vegan/healthy eating. I think some people have a preconceived idea of what vegans eat…grass and roots from the field! 🙂
Thanks Veronica, I am happy for the hard copy publication!! Congratulations!
I loved this video! It was like I was actually sitting across from you instead of just reading some information. Please do more! And I, personaly, love your hair the way it is – especially with your little widows peak. I also like how healthy you look – it just comes across in the video. You’re not one of those too-thin insect women who you know are starving themselves for an unhealthy fashion. You look wonderful! I will be getting at least one of those books. I’m actually thinking of gifts so I can nab a free book as well. Keep up the wonderful work, Veronica!
I know this is off the wall but Bangs are really in right now have you ever considered wearing bangs? You have such pretty eyes they would just pop with bangs.
Hi Tamee
I have had bangs about half of my life, I’ve only ever had 2 styles, with bangs and without bangs. They drive me crazy and make my forehead itchy and everyone tells me I look too young with bangs. Here’s a photo from 2009
Looking forward to the copy I already ordered. I do have a question…my credit card (in America) is showing a charge of $30.65 in “Canadian dollars” — is this what I am actually charged in American dollars? Just wondering. Thanks for all you are doing for the health of all of us and our loved ones 🙂
Hi Betsy
I set it to USD in my system, but my credit card processor is Canadian, I assumed if I set the price to US it would charge US. I’m sorry if it didn’t. I know when people check out with paypal it charges in US if I specify US vs CAD.
Hello Veronica.
It was good to “see” you. I love my e-book verson of this cook book. The recipes are healthy, and easy to follow. I am growing in my experience of low-fat vegan eating as I was numbered amongst the “unhealthy” vegans for a long time.
Currently, I am doing the Danile 21 Fast and took it to a nother level of raw vegan. I am doing well and looking forward to using your other cookbooks again.
As for the video, you are wonderful and I know that the book version will sell well. I am interested in one of the aprons 🙂
Folks, these cookbooks will also make great Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day gifts.