One of my favorite parts of IFBC – The International Food Blogger Conference this year was the Urbanspoon dine out we got to attend at Cafe Flora. Surprisingly (to myself!) I had never been to Cafe Flora or heard about it before, despite visiting Seattle many times for delicious vegan food. I was very happy to find out that Cafe Flora specializes in homemade vegetarian cuisine (more my style) and din’t use any processed faux meats or cheeses in their cuisine. Although it is a vegetarian restaurant most items can be made vegan or gluten free as well so they are very good at catering to specific dietary needs. In a world where that isn’t always the case, I know anyone with allergies or dietary restrictions will find Cafe Flora to be a lifesaver! When we first arrived I took a look at the menu on the table, and thought that we each got to choose one dish from each course… but I was mistaken! In fact we all were served every course to share (and in my case some veganized versions especially for me). So there was an amazing amount of food prepared just for our little group of vegetarians and vegans. I’m going to apologize in advance.. I only brought my iPhone 4 to take pictures with and so they are really horrible quality in the dim restaurant light. My nice camera was too heavy to bring this time as I knew there would be a lot of samples i’d have to have room for in my bags coming back on the plane! But I’ll show you most of the things we were served (that I remembered to photograph!)
Cafe Flora Urbanspoon Dine Out Menu:
Appetizer #1: Yam fries
Appetizer #2: Pate platter with lentil pecan pate, olives, fruit and pickles
Appetizer #3 Pierogies and soy sour cream
Salad #1: Caesar salad
Nectarine and Zucchini Basil Pizza
Pizza: Heirloom Tomato and Sweet Corn Pizza
Main Course: Baked Beans, Grilled Veggies and a Potato Battered Fried Green Tomato
My Dessert: Peach Blackberry Crisp
So now that you’ve seen the crazy amount of food we gorged on you’re probably wondering did we eat it all? And the answer is a heck no. There was way more food than most of us could handle and only some of each dish was sampled. We had 4 people not show up to our dine out as well so I think that’s another reason there was so much food. I really enjoyed the variety of fresh ingredients and next time I’m back in Seattle I’m definitely heading to Cafe Flora. Thank you IFBC and Urbanspoon!
Cafe Floral is one of my favorite restaurants in that they are willing to modify their menu items to accommodate specific dietary requirements. However, trying to make it low fat is not as successful. Most of your dishes have fried items and for me contain way too much oil.
Hi Jeannette, I went there as part of a free included meal sponsored by Urbanspoon. I could not change anything else other than ensuring I received vegan options as this was a set meal. However I’m sure that if you go there to dine ala carte you can select items that are made without oil, or to be lower in fat. They are very accommodating.
Of course the items that were served were not my choice and some were fried out of almost a dozen things served for our dinner you can obviously eat something else instead.