What Are Steel Cut Oats/Irish Oats?
Steel cut oats are whole grain oat groats (the inner portion of the oat kernel) which have been cut into only two or three pieces horizontally. They are golden in color and resemble mini rice particles and are cylinder-like.
LivingPrepared has a good picture of rolled oats vs steel cut oats. Rolled oats are on the left, steel cut are on the right.
How do steel cut oats differ from rolled oats (old fashioned oats)?
Rolled oats a.k.a. old fashioned oats, are flake oats that have been steamed, rolled, re-steamed and toasted. Due to all of this additional processing they have lost some of their natural taste, nutrition and texture. They are just a more refined form. Most people get confused and think rolled oats are unprocessed and naturally come this way, and that instant oatmeal is the only oat that is processed. This is not quite correct. Rolled oats are still pretty processed and have undergone many treatments.
What is oatmeal or instant oatmeal then?
Instant oats are very processed compared to steel cut oats, they are pre cooked, dried and partially powdered with some flakes left. All you do is add hot water since they are already cooked and broken down. They usually come in packets with sugar and seasonings already in them.
This is why some people choose to eat only steel cut oats, or Irish oats as they are like the whole grain version of oats and the least processed.
Oatmeal Helps Lowers LDL (Bad) Cholesterol
Oatmeal is full of soluble fiber, which we know lowers LDL levels. Experts aren’t exactly sure how, but they have some ideas. When you digest fiber, it becomes gooey. Researchers think that when it’s in your intestines, it sticks to cholesterol and stops it from being absorbed. So instead of getting that cholesterol into your system — and your arteries — you simply get rid of it as waste.
In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers tested cholesterol-lowering drugs against cholesterol-lowering foods in a group of thirty-four adults with high cholesterol. Oat products were among the chosen foods. The results were striking. The diet lowered cholesterol levels about as well as cholesterol drugs. WebMD
Even if you’re not eating cholesterol containing foods (all animal products contain cholesterol because only animals produce cholesterol, not plants) you can still lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol by eating oatmeal, which is helpful for some who still have high cholesterol on a vegan diet. The main reason some vegan diets don’t completely save you from having high cholesterol, is because of the amount of rich plant fats we tend to eat when compensating for a lack of meat and cheese. Salad dressing oils, battered or fried vegetables, fried snacks, vegan pastries and cakes, cookies, crackers etc. When you eat a lot of fatty foods this raises the amount of cholesterol you produce yourself, which is not good. So switching a high fat vegan meal to a low fat meal of oatmeal can make a big difference in your cholesterol numbers and health.
How much oatmeal do I need to cook for one person?
Steel cut oats can expand up to 4 times their dry size. For one person you can make about 1/4 cup for a single serving. When I’m making steel cut oats for my family, I usually make at least 1-1 1/2 cups because then there’s enough for everyone to have a satisfying breakfast. You can also save any leftovers and store it in the fridge for a quick breakfast the next day.
How To Cook Steel Cut Oats (Irish Oats) In a Rice Cooker
(For stovetop or microwave directions scroll down to the bottom)
To make your oats, you have to decide how thin you like them. I personally like mine a little thick, like in the picture, as opposed to a thin porridge, so I use a ratio of 3 parts water to 1 part oats. You can use a 4:1 ratio of water to oats if you like it thinner.
I have used several different types of rice cookers. At home I have a Zojirushi 5 1/2 cup rice cooker which has a lot of functions like white rice, brown rice, mixed rice, porridge and even a cake setting! It works awesome and I use the porridge setting for steel cut oats on it. What’s great about the Zojirushi is it has an internal programmable clock and you can tell it EXACTLY what time you want your rice/grain/porridge ready. So if you want to eat breakfast at 7 am, you set it for 7 am (in military time 07:00) and it will be ready to go at that time. Just do the process below, put the oats and water in and press start the night before and your breakfast will be hot and ready with no hassle the next day. If you’re a single or a couple they have a smaller version the Zojirushi 3 cup rice cooker as well.
I’ve also used this Hamilton Beach Digital Deluxe Rice Cooker that is great for a family on a budget, it has a white rice and a whole grain setting. I use the whole grain setting on this rice cooker for steel cut oats. It works a little differently, it has a delay timer. So what I do is set it so that it starts while I’m sleeping. If I go to bed at 11 pm and want to eat at 7 am, I would set the delay timer for about 5-6 hour delay. 5 hours for a large portion, 6 hours for a smaller portion (single size) and then it will start cooking when the delay timer hits zero and your oats will be ready for breakfast.
(Please do NOT put anything like dairy or animal products that should be refrigerated into a rice cooker overnight as this is a health risk. Only use water and dry grains when using a delay or programmed timer. So don’t add milk or cream to your oats and let it sit out all night, you can stir it in in the next morning before eating)
This is great for when you don’t have time to cook steel cut oats on the stove and want a quick breakfast.
Step 1: Measure out 1 cup of steel cut/Irish oats (or your desired amount). Pour it into a mesh strainer. Give it a rinse to clear any dust or debris. Pour it into the rice cooker.
Step 2: Measure out 3-4 cups of water (or your desired amount) and pour it into the rice cooker.
Step 3: Press the porridge/whole grain/brown rice setting (whichever setting your rice cooker has) and let it cook. It’s going to take a while to cook, similar to cooking brown rice. It should take about an hour to hour and a half depending how much you put in.
Step 4: Your steel cut oats are done and ready to season. You can add more water to thin if desired, add almond milk, maple syrup, brown sugar, cinnamon, raisins, sliced bananas, granola etc. Whatever you’d like to dress it up. This way you can control the amount of sugar in your oatmeal instead of eating the prepackaged instant oatmeal.
Step 5: Serve!
How To Cook Steel Cut Oats (Irish Oats) On The Stove:
Add your 1 cup of oats to 3-4 cups of water to a large pot and bring to a low boil over medium high heat. When it’s boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes and stir every few minutes to prevent sticking. Season as desired and serve.
Time saving tip: Boil 4 cups of water the night before and add 1 cup of dry steel cut oats. Stir and let it soak over night. In the morning put it into a pot and cook over low heat for 9-12 minutes until the oats are tender. Season as desired and serve. (If you use this method, disregard the method above)
How To Cook Steel Cut Oats (Irish Oats) In a Microwave:
I have not tried this method personally, but it should be really easy. Place 1/2 cup of steel cut oats into a large (at least) 8 cup microwave safe bowl (not metal) and pour 2 cups of water into it. Make sure you use a large bowl to prevent it from boiling over in the microwave. Microwave on high for 5 minutes. Remove and stir and microwave on high for another 5 minutes. (Microwave times might vary depending on strength) Season as desired and serve.
What if I don’t have time to make steel cut oats every day?
The solution is pretty easy, just make a big batch and save the leftovers in individual portions in the fridge. If it’s for one person, multiply your recipe by 5 so you have enough for each day of the week. So you might use 1 1/4 cups to 2 cups of dry steel cut oats, depending if you’re a woman or a really athletic man. And then you cook it with 3-4 times the amount of water. Season it and then separate into containers. Then all you have to do is reheat it in the microwave the next day and add any additional water or non-dairy milk to thin it out, stir and eat. It’s a great time saver if you want to eat more whole foods, without having to rely just on instant oatmeal.
What do you think of this recipe? Have you made steel cut oats before? Are you going to try now?
Hi Veronica,
I need help! Thank you so much for the great tips. I just used my Zojirushi ZCC10 for the first time last night and made steel cut oats overnight. The consistency seemed good, but the oats were not cooked as much as they usually are when we previously used the same oats in the crock pot overnight. In other words, I don’t think they were cooked as long.
We used porridge setting.
We used 1 cup dry to 2.5 cup wet ratio.
At 8pm last night after setting everything up we set timer for 6am – and I ate at 6:45am this morning so it had been warming for 45 minutes.
I noticed there is a setting for “softer” but am unsure how to use that in conjunction with the porridge setting.
Any tips??? How do I get them to be cooked longer or softer? I want the rice cooker to be better than the crock pot! Thanks!!
Hi Jen
I think you need to add more water, because it probably stopped cooking the oats earlier due to a smaller ratio of water. I use at minimum 3 cups of water to 1 cup of steel cut oats for a thick porridge, 4 cups for thinner. That may be the problem.
Hi. I just attempted to make steel cut oats in my zojurushi rice maker under the porridge setting. I put in two of the cups supplied with the machine and added water up to the 2 – on the porridge fill line. This is how to make rice, using their “cup” and adding it to the pot, and then adding water to the indicator line for the type rice.
However, when I added the two zojurushi cups of steel cut oats, it seemed like an extreme amount of water to the porridge 2 line. After it finished, it was still just oats on the bottom with murky water over the top. I just added 2 more zojurushi cups of steel cut oats to the existing mixture, and when the machine cools enough to let me restart it I will try again.
Are there different rule for making the steel cut oats in the zojurushi porridge setting? As obviously as explained above, at least in my cooker, the water level recommended was far too much. Please tell me how you measure your steel cut oats and water in your zojurushi – do you self measure or use the recommended fill lines on the pot?
Thank-you, if you should see this and post or email me an answer!
Use the instructions in this recipe. Don’t measure liquid by the water level in the pot, that’s for white rice not oats. 3:1 ratio of water to steel cut oats for thick or 4:1 for thinner.
I make steel cut oats every Sunday night in my crock pot with chopped apple and cinnamon! I have enough for my breakfast all week and I love it. I can add fruit and nuts to it if I choose . One favourite is walnuts maple syrup and bananas. Another is strawberries and blueberries. very little sweetener is needed because of the apples. I love it!!!
Oat groats cook beautifully in a rice cooker and are even less processed. Bob’s Red Mill has wonderful ones. I use a ratio of 2 1/2 or 3 to 1 and set it to be ready in the morning. Great texture!
I’ve tried the stove and microwave methods in cooking steel cut outs…..Nothing works. I used my slow cooker and this works well!!!…Perfect every time. 20 mins!!!
Thanks for the how-to instructions on cooking steel cut oats and other grains. I followed your instructions for quinoa the other day, and for the very first time they turn out beautifully and not soggy!
Do you have any tips on what to do with left-over steel cut oats? And can we use them to make granola bars?
P.S. You really are tempting me to consider in investing in a fancier rice cooker, we have a very basic one but rarely use it due to lack of counter space…lol
Hi Karv
Left over steel cut oats can be stored in the fridge, you can add a little water or plant based milk and reheat it later on. I really don’t think you can use steel cut oatmeal to make granola bars. Granola bars are made from rolled oats (which are steamed and then rolled) that haven’t been cooked into oatmeal, you need them dry.
I love my rice cooker, it’s so easy to use and I just set it for any kind of rice or quinoa or steel cut oats and cook it.
Hi, Thanks for this recipe. Very helpful. I was wondering if this can be done to oat groats. Any tip for stove top or rice cooker?
I’ve never used oat groats. I’m not sure how that would turn out into oatmeal. Steel cut oats are oat groats cut into 2 or 3 pieces. I suspect oat groats would take even longer to cook as the pieces are so large. http://wholegrainscouncil.org/whole-grains-101/types-of-oats
Hi Veronica,
I just made my first order of steel cut oats. I am looking for a way to prepare these so I can take them to work. I only have access to hot water that’s built into our coffee machine. So I need to precook them at home and then after they are cooked how do I prepare them to take to work and eat them as long as 10 hours later with only having access to very hot water. I like my oatmeal hot. Thanks!
You can use a thermos and try to keep it warm that way. Otherwise you need to microwave it. If you just add extra hot water to cooked steel cut oats as they are already cooked it will be a little watery. Use instant oats if you just want to add hot water as they are cooked and refined and dehydrated already.
I use a Hamilton Beach Digital Simplicity Rice Cooker/Steamer with similar recipe:
Makes 4 servings (1 serving is about 3/4 of a Corelle 18 oz. cereal bowl.
This recipe is NOT scalable to other serving sizes; see comments that follow.
Requires about 1-1/2 hours (90 minutes)
1 Cup steel cut oats
4 cups water
Set the HB to “Boil-Simmer” mode for 75 minutes.
Cooker will bring the water to boil and then simmer for 75 minutes.
Cooker will automatically go to “keep warm” mode when the simmer timer runs out, but don’t leave it in this mode very long (no more than about 15-20 minutes).
Stir with plastic spatula and ensure all the oatmeal at the bottom and on the sides is mixed with the water on top (no need to stir while it’s cooking; afterward suffices).
I don’t need four servings, nor do I have time to make it in the morning. I cook it in batches at a convenient time in the evening, scoop it out into four small covered containers that will hold single servings, and refrigerate them. Heating in the morning is quick and easy:
(1) Dump single serving into microwaveable cereal bowl and break it up some with a spoon as it tends to be one big glop when cold (this helps with reheating).
(2) Add ~1/8th cup water
(3) Microwave on high (100% power) for about 5 minutes. YMMV with time as this is microwave age and power dependent; water should be boiling with reheated oatmeal having spread out and leveled itself in the bowl. Microwaving longer than this will make it thicker as water is boiled out.
Other serving sizes:
I found that decreasing the number of servings requires adding more than 1 cup of water per serving and decreasing the simmer time. For a single serving (which I do not recommend), it required 1-1/3 to 1-2/3 cups water (for 1/4 cup oats) and 60 minutes simmer time. Two servings required less water and more simmer time. Arrived at four serving water/time by experimentation. More than four servings would likely require even longer time, but would not reduce water below 1 cup per serving (1/4 cup oatmeal). Be cautious if increasing serving quantity (over-filling the cooker). I do not recommend more than 8 servings. I’ve never done more than 4 as I will consume only one per day and don’t feel any need to to increase batch size.
Hi Veronica
I’m new to the raw food diet and am now following you and I’m a bit confused though. Is grains, such as steal cut oats, actually allowed, or should I say considered to be healthy to eat. I was a huge lover of steel cut oat porridge in the morning and also barley, rice and quinoa porridge, but since reading the 80/10/10 and now your site (which I love), I’m not sure if I can incorporate grains back into my diet. I also wondered if you agreed with Dr. McDougalls suggestions which includes cooked starches, pastas (limited) and beans also? Looking for some guidance as I struggle to eat healthy.
Only some people have problems with grains. We dont. Oats and quinoa are usually fine for most people they are not glutinous or inflammatory. We support Dr McDougall’s reccommendations. Not everyone can or wants to eat only fruits and greens the rest if their life. We find incorporating raw low fat meals with some mcdougall style meals works for us. We dont have problems with starches or beans and lentils. See what works for you. It takes the body a little while to adapt to a new diet as well so keep that in mind. Going overnight from 100% raw to cooked is not reccommended. I still keep green smoothies and fruit meals as regular parts of my diet.
Yuuuum!!!! I just love oatmeal/porridge, thanks Veronica! I really enjoy your new website, it’s a great inspiration, thanks again 🙂
Thanks you for this great article, Veronica. (And sorry for the novel I’ve written below!)
I was on the fence about buying a rice cooker last night ($30 at Costco), but my wife said that every person she knows who has one *loves* theirs, so I took the plunge.
My first batch of brown rice came out a little crunchy, but I think I used too little water. Anyway, I plan to make brown rice, quinoa, lentils, and — when it’s colder — steel-cut oats. The information you provided will be very helpful.
For what it’s worth, I couldn’t stand the cooking and stirring required for making steel-cut oats on the stove. Years ago, a friend mentioned that when you don’t have high heat to brew coffee, you can put ground coffee + water in the fridge overnight and get “brewed” coffee. (I don’t drink coffee, so I took his word for it.) He called this “swamp coffee” and a month or two ago, I wondered if I could do something similar with steel-cut oats: substitute time (in the fridge) for heat (on the stove).
After a little experimentation, I got a “swamp oatmeal” recipe that I enjoy (and my wife and I eat it almost every day — I make a to-go cup for her commute!):
8 oz water (you can use milk or non-dairy substitute, of course — we follow a low-fat, no-added-sugar, vegan diet, so we worked our way down from almond milk to just water)
1/4 cup steel-cut oats
1/2 cup rolled oats (I figure that they both have some nutritional value, so what the heck!)
1 Tbsp flaxseed meal
1 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp cinnamon powder (yes, 1 Tbsp; we’re weird like that 🙂
dash nutmeg powder
1 Tbsp carob powder
1/3 cup raisins
Stir, cover, and refrigerate 8-24 hours. Makes one serving.
I add a diced apple and/or sliced banana to ours before eating; I’m sure you can add whatever diced/sliced fruit you want and you could probably let the fruit sit in the mix overnight. (Caution: I put in fresh blueberries once, let them sit overnight, and YUCK! 😛
Thanks again!
PS: I liked your very clear explanation about why vegan diets don’t necessarily save people from having high cholesterol.
Sounds good Andy.
We just cook the steel cut oats in the rice cooker. We fill it the night before set the delay timer and then it’s ready in the morning. And hot of course too! It will probably be chewier if you just soak it and don’t cook it in heat. Quinoa and lentils should be cooked too to kill off any bitter toxins they have.
Andy D – If you’re still using your rice cooker on a regular basis consider upgrading to one of the Zojirushi models. We used a cheapie rice cooker from Target for a couple of years before I received a Zojirushi NS-TSC10 for Christmas two years ago. Big difference ! ! Crunchy rice on the bottom is very, very rare and the timer feature is so nice — it’s really helped our switch to brown rice as you can set it to go in the morning.
I discovered steel cut oats with this recipie. I cooked it this morning and found it is so good. Thank you for this new discovery !!
You’re welcome Ghislaine! 🙂
Personally, I think all the hype about microwaves is because most people microwave in plastic containers. When the plastic heats up the chemicals in the plastic leach into the food. I always microwave in glass containers.
Anyway thanks for the info on oats, I always thought rolled oats were unprocessed!
You’re right Charlene.
Nice research on the oatmeal!
I have the trick to eat real oatmeal flakes without cooking it!
With a little hand device, I put the oat kernels through to make flakes, tada!
I soak the flakes overnight in nut milk.
If I want it hot, I pour hot nut milk on top .
I am flabbergasted that you suggest to use the micro wave to cook it!
I am even more flabbergasted that you believe the lies of the industry about it not being harmful(government of Canada website is the same that will tell you to take vaccines or pharmaceutical drugs!)
Soviet Union even banned microwave ovens for a while in the past.
I have a friend who is allergic to any food that has been in a microwave.She pukes all day when she happens to eat some.
Please do a little more research Veronica…
But thanks for the education on oats, I appreciate!
Your friend must have an extreme sensitivity. If we eat reheated food front he microwave once in a while in a glass bowl or plate we don’t have problems. We don’t microwave in cheap plastics. That’s part of the problem letting the plastics heat up and leach into the food.
Microwaving is not radiating the food, and there is nothing nuclear about the reactions either. People mistakenly say “nuke” when they refer to the microwave.
I have done my research and it’s best to not be paranoid about things done occasionally that have zero affect on myself. Living in fear of something is much more harmful because of the stress.
Also many restaurants reheat with microwaves, so I assume that if you are that worried about it you must have to stay at home and make every meal yourself. This is something we cannot do because we travel so much. We’re not going to let it control our lives when reheating food once in a while isn’t causing us harm.
A cooking method allergy that is a first. She could be sensitive to the radio frequency given off by the microwave while it is powered on and working. I propose that your friend goes to see an allergy specialist, but finding one that is not sanctioned by a government, that doesn’t put value in any pharmaceutical drugs/vaccines and will substantiate the claim that microwaved food can be an allergen might prove difficult.
Veronica, thank you for the recipe. My absolute favorite dessert is also made with Irish oatmeal or organic rolled oats whole grain by Bobs Red Mill. All I do is cut up into small pieces two large honey crisp apples, add a handful of raisins, some cinnamon, then about 1/4 cup uncooked oatmeal (can’t use steel cut), sometimes I might add a little maple syrup. Hey it’s way better than anything you can buy at the store and my kids love it. The oats just soak up the apple juice from the fresh cut apples (and maple syrup if adding). I don’t know if oats are any better or worse for you if you do not cook them at all. I was also going to try the recipe made with soaked buckwheat grouts but have not gotten to that yet.
That’s cool Grace. Irish oats are steel cut oats though. Old fashioned oats are the same as rolled oats.
I’ve read and heard that using the microwave is not the healthiest way to warm food. It tends to degrade the quality of what is warmed. Yet you recommend it for reheating the steel cut oatmeal if made for a week. What has the current data shown about the use of the microwave in food preparation? Is a little bit (minute or less) OK but 5, 10, 20 minutes not OK?
Hi Connie,
I guess it depends what you mean by “healthiest”. All cooking causes loss of nutrients, microwaving does not degrade the quality more-so than boiling or baking.
Personally I don’t use the microwave to cook things for a long time, like large potatoes or chicken or anything like that. It’s usually just a short period of time to reheat something if necessary. But most cooking I do on the stove because I like the texture. Microwaving does change some of the texture of food while it cooks, but it’s mostly because it looses some water and becomes dehydrated, because it is being cooked dry, unlike if you were to boil or steam something on the stove.
From Government of Canada website: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/iyh-vsv/prod/micro-f-a-eng.php#he
“Microwaves do not change the chemical components of in food and so the formation of new compounds, like carcinogens, is not expected. Some studies have been conducted to investigate any possible negative health effects of microwaving foods. These studies, which have been reviewed by Health Canada scientists, have found no evidence of toxicity or carcinogenicity.
In general, the health and safety concerns associated with microwave cooking are similar to the issues involved with other cooking methods, such as conventional ovens, stove-top cooking and grilling. For example, all cooking methods have some effect on the nutrients in food. The effect is worse if you over-cook the food. Microwave cooking tends to be less harsh on nutrients than conventional cooking methods, because the cooking times are shorter and less water is used. To help preserve nutrients when microwaving food, use techniques that promote the even distribution of heat. This will help prevent the formation of “hot spots” where portions of the food could be over-cooked. Steps to promote even heating are outlined in the Minimizing Your Risk section below.
There is no simple answer to questions about which cooking method is best for retaining nutrients. Research into the subject is ongoing. From a health perspective, there is no reason to use any one cooking method exclusively.”
Now, are you going to get radiation, or carcinogens, or toxic anything from using a microwave? No. The most unhealthy thing would probably be eating microwaveable frozen meals exclusively because they are highly processed and have a lot of salt, flavour enhancers and chemicals, I think that is more of a health hazard than using it to reheat some simply cooked oatmeal.
I was only mentioning it because some people don’t have a rice cooker and want to save time in the morning. Many people are trying to eat healthier and transition to a more plant based diet and quick meals make this easier for them to stick to.
Hi Veronica,
Could you please post some raw recipes? It seems like the last few posts have mostly been about cooked food. I would really love to see some healthy raw dessert recipes that use little or no nuts, seeds and oil!
Hi Dave, I post 1 or 2 free recipes a week in addition to the recipes I am already creating for my new vegan recipe ebooks, and a printed recipe book for the future. It is a lot of work, and I do the free recipes on the blog for the love of sharing easy recipes and how to’s. I don’t make anything for giving away some of my recipes for free.
I posted a raw recipe last week on how to make raw vegan collard wraps. http://lowfatveganchef.com/how-to-make-raw-vegan-collard-wraps/
When we eat raw food we eat it simply, usually salads with fat free dressing, fruit or green smoothies and fruit meals. I don’t know what kind of raw dessert you are expecting that is oil free and nut and seed free. Basically you can have fruit, or grains of some kind sweetened with raw sweetener. We don’t eat raw desserts or raw snacks personally unless it’s just fruit.
We make raw banana ice-cream occasionally with raw almond milk, vanilla and ceylon cinnamon. My favourite smoothie right now is blending ripe bananas with pineapple and frozen black cherries and that is pretty sweet and satisfying for a sugar fix for me. There is no more natural raw dessert than raw fruit, or frozen fruit.
As it’s still the winter, and I just got back to Canada it is not peak fruit season yet, hence why I am finishing out making vegan recipes and not only making raw recipes at this time.
I have a bunch of raw smoothie recipes and fruit tips on my youtube channel here as well http://www.youtube.com/user/LowFatVeganChef
this was so informative. I had no idea about the differances. I assume you buy the steel cut oats at the store instead of making them? I haven’t seen them at the store. I will look now. wondering is steel cut glutin free, I understand that oatmeal is g.free, however I have also heard that they are not. depending on how they are processed??? appreciate all your help.
Hi Linda,
Yes you do not cut the steel cut oats yourself. You will find them in the cereal section near the oatmeal in the store. They are sold in 1lb bags, or canisters, Costco also sells them in a giant box. Sometimes they will be labeled as Irish Oats, so look for Steel-Cut or Irish Oats on the package.
Oats themselves do not contain gluten, but they are processed in factories with other cereals which usually contain wheat. So they cannot be labeled gluten free because of the cross contamination.
If you go to the health food store, you can find Bob’s Red Mill packages of cereals and grains and they have a gluten free factory and produce gluten free flours, cereals and oatmeal. You can probably find gluten free steel cut oats and oatmeal on Amazon or other online retailers as well.
Thank you for the information on the different types of oatmeal. I was not sure what the difference was from rolled and steel cut as far as proccessing.
Hi, Veronica! I discovered Steel Cut Oats last winter, and I love them. I always make an extra large batch at the first of the week. I love to add chopped apple and raisins, and possibly some cinnamon. All of this with raw almond milk. Yum! Very filling and very satisfying.
Hi Veronica!
Nice blog, especially concerning my last question in the Raw Vegan Mentor Club u answered so kindly.
No problem Marina. 🙂 Glad you are enjoying it
Thank you so much for this information. I often wondered what the differences were. I also hear that soaking oatmeal makes it healthier. So I’m thrilled to learn all the ins and outs of soaking, cooking, seasoning……..etc. EXCELLENT article!
Thanks for checking it out Darlene! I appreciate the feedback. 🙂 There’s so many kinds of oats, it’s good to share the info and get it out there.
I do it slightly different. As soon as I awake, I goto the kitchen and put my kettle of water on the stove. It is always boiling by the time I am done freshening up. I put my oats in a bowl, add what ever spices I choose then pour the boiling water over it & cover. Just let it soak while I finish getting ready & pack my lunch, approx 20 minutes. Its done and its cool enough to eat. Simple for me….
p.s. the stove method IS BETTER but I dont usually allow myself enuff time b4 work. Hope it helps
Thanks for this tip Kevin. We definitely enjoy the hassle free way of making in a rice cooker the night before, so that steel cut oatmeal is ready to go on early mornings when we don’t have a lot of time.
Are steal cut oats better than oat bran or is this the same thing?
I found this information on http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=54
Hope that helps
– Oat groats: unflattened kernels that are good for using as a breakfast cereal or for stuffing (the entire whole oat)
– Steel-cut oats: featuring a dense and chewy texture, they are produced by running the grain through steel blades that thinly slices them.(cut into rice like pieces)
– Old-fashioned oats: have a flatter shape that is the result of their being steamed and then rolled. (aka rolled oats)
– Quick-cooking oats: processed like old-fashioned oats, except they are cut finely before rolling
– Instant oatmeal: produced by partially cooking the grains and then rolling them very thin. Oftentimes, sugar, salt and other ingredients are added to make the finished product.
– Oat bran: the outer layer of the grain that resides under the hull. While oat bran is found in rolled oats and steel-cut oats, it may also be purchased as a separate product that can be added to recipes or cooked to make a hot cereal.
– Oat flour: used in baking, it is oftentimes combined with wheat or other gluten-containing flours when making leavened bread.
Great overview Veronica! I usually do steel cut oats on the stove and have had some trouble with our crock pot and slow cooker, so I appreciate the rice cooker info. Something with a programmable timer would really help me out! 🙂
P.S. Steel cut oatmeal in the microwave is overrated anyway!
I used to eat a lot of oatmeal. I used to just soak steal cut oats overnight in the fridge and then microwave them for 1-2 minutes in the morning. Quick and easy. The rice cooker works well also because you can set it to finish cooking in the morning at your desired time.