Leeks are something many people have heard of, but have no idea how to use or what they taste like. You can use leeks just like you would onions in a recipe, they are part of the allium family. They have a nice mild creamy taste and are great in blended soups.
They usually come in sets of 3 from the grocery store and have big long green tops on them. You can slice off the top 3-4 inches and throw that away or save the tips to use in vegetable stock along with any other cleaned vegetable trimmings.
How To Cut and Trim Leeks For Sautéing
Step 1: Cut off the very top of the leeks and set aside.
Step 2: Slice the leeks in half lengthwise.
Step 3: Carefully wash in between each leaf of the leek. They usually have a lot of dirt trapped between the layers.
Step 4: Take off the large outer layers.
Slice off the dark green parts of the leeks and set those aside. You want to use the light green parts and the white parts only for your recipe.
Step 5: Slice the light green parts and white parts like you would slice celery.
Now you are ready to cook your leeks, just like you would cooked diced onion. Just sauté it in a pan or pot with some vegetable broth and when they are soft you can add the rest of your ingredients and continue cooking your dish.
Thank you for the information, about Leeks, a friend gave me a lot of them to plant. I planted them & have been taking care of them, but never knew how they could be used. Now I will use them, as I have lots of them in the garden.