It’s contest time again!
I just love summer contests, don’t you? This time it’s for probably my favorite kitchen appliance of the year, the Ez Bean Cooker. My mom first saw it online and told me about it and I knew I just HAD to have it.
Because I like to cook a lot of beans and lentils (without oil and salt) and it’s so much cheaper and faster to do so in this device. No more worrying about BPA in canned goods, excess sodium, sugar, preservatives etc. and I can infuse my beans and lentils with fresh herbs like thyme, basil, oregano and bay leaves very easily. Scrumptious!
The best part is probably how fast you can cook them though. With the pre-programmed settings on the EZ Bean Cooker (which is essentially a digital pressure cooker) there is ABSOLUTELY NO SOAKING REQUIRED. Yes, you do not have to pre-soak your beans the night before, nor do you have to do the “Quick Soak Method” for beans you want to make the same day.
Just choose your bean or lentil, rinse them well, cover with a sufficient amount of water, add herbs and seasonings as desired, close the lid, set the pressure release valve to the closed position and choose the program for your type of bean and press start!
If you can use a rice cooker or a microwave, you can use this, I promise!
It’s very simple and the Ez Bean Cooker does all the timing for you so there’s no more looking up pressure cooking times online or in a book, and no more guess work and having undercooked/overcooked beans. Once it’s complete it will beep, alerting you to open the pressure release valve. When the pressure dissipates and unlocks the lid you can open it up, drain your beans and use in any dish you desire.
Cooking times are between 12 minutes for lentils and 80 minutes for chickpeas/garbanzo beans. This is the actual pressure cooking time, there is additional time needed for it to come up to pressure, but the majority of your dried unsoaked beans are going to be fully cooked and ready to use in about an hour (longer for kidney beans and garbanzo beans as they are larger)
Now some people choose to use oil in their pressure cookers to prevent frothing from occurring and clogging up the pressure release valve, but so far I haven’t had any issues cooking 1 lb bags of dried beans or lentils without any. Although EZ Bean Cooker does recommend adding oil for safety reasons, but so far it works for me without oil and many other McDougallers on Amazon have done this as well.
This contest is open to residents of the USA (non-residents andΒ Canadians with a US based shipping address can enter) only as EZ Bean Cooker only ships to the USA at this time. Disclaimer: Low Fat Vegan Chef was NOT paid to do this promotion. I received a complimentary EZ Bean Cooker to try out before I decided to recommend this product based on my own positive results with the unit.Β
So how can you enter to with an EZ Bean Cooker? Just use my easy little giveawaytools widget below to get started, enter in your name and email address, you will be required to sign up for my newsletter (already valid if you’re an existing subscriber) and comment on this blog post and validate the comment. Plus you get additional entries for things such as liking my Facebook page, following me on twitter, tweeting the giveaway, following me on Pinterest and sharing with your friends. You’ve got a chance to get anywhere from 10-70 entries for this draw! Good luck!
****Just a note, if you do not verify with the widget correctly your entry for that type (and just end up leaving the text box blank) it will be invalid and not count. So please enter in the correct information (such as email address, facebook name, twitter account etc.) to verify if you did subscribe to the newsletter, like on facebook, follow on twitter etc. If you don’t, the entries will be invalid and disqualified. At minimum, to be eligible to win an EZ Bean Cooker you must be subscribed to my newsletter (and stay subscribed at least until the contest ends Aug 12 2013) AND comment on this blog post. All other entry methods are optional after that. I want you to get as many entries as possible thanks so please read the instructions carefully!
Check out my recipe for How To Cook Dried Chickpeas here.
For more Canadian contests go here: Contest Canada
Contest is closed, congratulations to Kristi Lee who won!
I want to win because I cook a lot of beans and this would make it so much easier.
I have always wanted one of these I think it would be a hugs time saver!!
I would love to win this, cooking for a family of six can get very time consuming since the little ones never like what I cook and I am always making more then one meal
I would like to win because we eat a lot of bean dishes
I would love to win this to make some homemade baked beans in. Thanks.
Would love to cook in more bean centered meals. Especially lima beans!!
Beans out of a cook are not the healthiest. I would love to win this to be healthier and cut down on sodium!
I’d love to give this to my win she would love it
Would like to have this because every time we try to cook beans they always seem to be undercooked! It would do it automatically for us
brich22 at earthlink dot net
My hubby loves bean soup! I could make a batch with ease
Beans are so nutritious and versatile. I’ve been using canned beans for the convenience, but would prefer an easy way to cook dry beans.
We eat dry beans all the time – this would be a much quicker, more convenient way to cook them
annabella @ centurytel dot net
I would love this EZ Bean Cooker to make my life simpler and cooking easier. π Thank you.
More time for other things would be nice. Consistent cooking from batch to batch.
I cook beans all the time this would make it a lot easier.
I would like to win because I have never had one before. I am always looking for things that would make daily life easier specially now that I work full time and school is about to begin.
This would be great for us since we eat a lot of beans and other vegetables.
I would like to win because we eat a lot of bean dishes over here (red beans, white beans, bean soup, etc.) and this would make cooking them so much easier and better!
I would love to win this so I can finally learn how to properly cook beans.
It would be great to try new recipes.
It looks like such a good, easy way to cook beans. I like to cook up a bag of beans and freeze the ones I don’t need right away. Good to have them on hand when you need them.
Last time I tried too make chili, my beans never got cooked all the way! I am a bit scared too try too cook beans again now.
This Bean maker would make life more easy
Cant wait to try some of these beans!
Nice, quick and easy bean cooking is a real plus for a vegetarian or vegan kitchen!
And again…I’m putting some beans–pintos this time—on the soak for the day. This machine would really really cut down on my planning time.
I make beans a lot, different variations and flavors, would love this helpful tool!
I have watched my mom cook all sorts of beans in both her crock pot and on top of the stove. This would be a neat way to try and do it the easy and fast way.
It would be so easy- no soaking the beans and no worrying about them for a long period of time
I’d love to win this because in lieu of meat, I make my family beans all the time. I usually eat them 2x a day, this would be amazing to have!
I am married to a Hispanic man, and beans are a staple with most of their meals. They take so long to make, that I don’t cook them very often. This machine would definately make my husband happier, since it wouldn’t be such a chore to cook them. Thanks!!
I love this!
I remember my mom making her beans in a pressure cooker and everyone in the house was terrified the lid would blow off! lol. It would be great to win this. Bring back memories of freshly made beans and lentils! Keeping my fingers crossed !
This would be great to make all the beans as my grandchildren love them!
I cook beans regularly and it seems to take all day because of adding more water and stirring often.
This bean cooker would make that chore so much easier.
Thank you so much for the chance.
No need to put in your email address in the text, I can see it if you enter it in the information field along with your name.
Why do I want to win the EZ Bean Cooker? Until today I had no ideal that such
an amazing apparatus existed. Now that I know it does….. I have to have one. My hubby loves bean soup. Navy bean, pinto bean, red beans, black beans you name them he loves them. I like then too but it is such a hassle cooking them. It takes just about the whole day. By the time their done I don’t want any. Now if I had the Ez Bean cooker. ………..
Ladyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)
I would love to win because I cook beans all the time and this would be so much easier than using the stove top!
This thing could be so helpful to me. I would love to have one. I love things that make my life a little easier and this is one item that I hope to have one day.
I would love to win this! I am trying to cook more fresh beans versus canned, and we use so many of them that this would be perfect!
Is there such a thing as too many beans? Alas, poor York, I think not! We really enjoy a wide variety of beans and thanks to your recipes, they are uber heathy. Thanks so much Veronica!
PS. I know it’s Summer and really hot here (101 today and will remain in triple digits through the week and beyond – sizzle sizzle), but I’ve gotten many miles out of your book: “Vegan Comfort Soups.” Good work Veronica, thank you!
Thanks Marcia. Yes I don’t really think one can have too many beans… I mean if it was the only thing you were eating then yes. But many many cultures eat beans 3 times a day such as in Latin America and in Asia (soy beans and tofu) I’m so glad you’re enjoying the soup recipes!
I want to win bc my husband loves beans but I couldn’t cook them to save my life
Beans are easy to cook on the stove if you have pre soaked them, you know how much time they might need to cook and and you watch them to make sure they don’t get overcooked. The EZ Bean Cooker is much simpler to use of course, but have confidence you can cook beans if you want them.
I would love to win this – beans are something my wife makes a few times a week for us. I love her to death, but they always turn out a little mushy.
I would love to have one of these! I spent most of my morning today cooking various beans for the upcoming week. I have absolutely no time for cooking during the week thanks to my commute and commitment to my exercise on a daily basis. I have my fingers, toes, legs, and eyes crossed that I win this.
I would love to win the bean cooker because I need to cut out salt due to hypertension and most canned goods have added sodium. Also I cannot stand food packaging and would love to cut down on my canned goods! I have so many recyclable goods this would give my garbage man a rest!
This would be a great help.
I would really like this easy way to cook dried beans for supper
I would love to cook more beans and different kinds -this EZ Bean Cooker would make that so much easier
How about making vegan navy beans with dill, that would be good. I have dill in my garden.
I’ve never tried that you’ll have to see how it comes out.
We eat beans all the time and this would make it so much easier and quicker!\
I was thinking more beans, but lentils are our favorite; it looks like we’d be able to have more lentils as well. Another diet improvement
I often cook with canned, low sodium beans, because there are many good vegan recipes using beans. I believe it is healthier to use dried beans, but they take a long time to prepare. The cooker would speed up the process considerably.
i dont cook them often because i would have to watch it so close
This bean cooker is exciting. My wife and I have a second baby due in one month. Our money is very tight right now. We have been trying to figure out ways to cut our costs and it seems that really the only option we have is to spend less on food. We buy organic, no salt added beans in the can which are extremely expensive compared to using dried beans. I imagine a bean cooker would give us the convenience that canned beans give. At the same time it would help us to save money without making food choices that are less healthy.
I cook beans in bulk and freeze portions to add to soups, stews, etc for lunches at work. Or I thaw out a portion to add to a salad. It’s a challenge to cook a large pot of beans because I do the initial boil and then the 12 hour soak, then the actual cooking with fresh water.
I would like to win the cooker because I have been vegan since 1980 and of course cook many beans, lentils etc. It would make it much quicker and convenient. I have been a
member of Dr. Fuhrman’s program for several years and use his supplements and was happy that you are familiar with his work. I am a 90% raw food eater. The cooker would enable me to get away from using any canned beans. Thank you.
You’re welcome!
We eat beans all the time and this would make it so much easier and quicker! I never get the right texture when I cook them on the stove!
I am a great big bean fan! We love to cook dried beans they are so much better tasting and with more nutrients than those already in the can. We can also keep out the sugar, I have no idea why some canned beans have to have sugar in the process.
I have a Zojirushi rice cooker (which I absolutely love and recommend), and what better way to plan a meal than to have an EZ Bean cooker to pair alongside it! I love the idea that you can take fresh, dried beans such as lentils or chickpeas, and you can whip up a meal without having to plan 24 hours or more in advance. What a great concept!
I’d love to own this to make things simpler
I would Love to win the EZ Bean Cooker, I just started cooking more healthy recipes that most use some sort of bean. This would be a great addition to my kitchen.
I appreciate the newsletter and great recipes! Hoping I win the bean cooker π
Nice quick lentil soup at the end of a long day! Need this!
I’m sure we would eat more beans with such a good handy appliance like this!
More beans in our diet and more veggie broth as well as lentils. Fall is around the corner; it sounds really good.
I have a pressure cooker and a rice cooker. This looks like a combination of features from both, but I never knew such an appliance existed! Hope to win one and try it out soon!
I’ve always been afraid to use a pressure cooker, but this one looks so easy and safe. I’d love to have it!
I really NEED to make my life easier….seriously! A bean cooker would certainly help in the kitchen.
I love beans and having them prepared like this would be helpful. I’ll always have them on hand because I like to freeze them too!
Looks almost to good (easy) to be true. I would love to be able to make beans without having to spend so much time planning ahead for the soaking and cooking.
I use a Presto standard pressure cooker for cooking beans, but a lot of the time I under cook or burn them. This device looks awesome because it would save me a lot of time and frustration, not to mention money!
I love cooking beans from scratch, and have 3, 5 gallon buckets (each holding 25 lbs of beans) of dried beans to prove it (garbanzos, black, and pinto beans)! I currently use a Presto pressure cooker but it has been on the fritz lately, not always getting up to full pressure and sealing like it should. Thanks for sharing the information regarding this one, I will definitely have to look into it further whether I win or not!
With three boys and a busy lifestyle, I often am scrambling to cook something healthy with minimal fuss. Having this cooker would help since I often forget to soak my beans in time and have to resort to canned. What a wonderful appliance for us !
I’ve always have been afraid of using a pressure cooker, but this pressure cooker seems to take all the fear away! I am very sincere about being a no fat vegan. And my family loves Veronica’s recipes. Especially, bean “burgers.”
I used to love spending time in the kitchen, however a couple of bad car accidents changed all that, which is sad since I love to cook. This EZ Bean Cooker would be a godsend for me, as it gets quite boring microwaving or toaster-ovening everything! π Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to win an EZ Bean Cooker. I have just discovered the joy and ease of using a slow cooker; owning an EZ Bean Cooker would make my year!!!!
It would be great to have an EZ Cooker so I wouldn’t have to have cans of beans on hand. It is frustrating trying to find unsalted beans in grocery stores and my closest Whole Foods Store is 26 miles through heavy traffic.
Oh my gosh, this bean cool sounds amazing. I soak & cook dried beans a lot, but I feel like I don’t exactly have it dialed. I cooked black beans for what seemed like forever the other night, but some of them still didn’t seem cooked, but then I cooked the same amount of garbanzo beans for shorter & they came out perfect. I know how important it is to make sure beans are fully cooked all the way through, so this EZ Bean cooker really excites me! Thank you for sharing it with us. π
I’m grateful that you have devoted yourself to the art of being a Vegan Chef.
As I’ve gotten older, food allergies have become an issue. The “cleaner” I eat the
fewer migraines I get. It’s amazing how much of “our” food is full of …… Your site has been great as I learn to navigate a new lifestyle.
The EZ-Bean cooker looks like a great way to stay ahead of the curve of taking care of meal planning etc.
Thank You
You’re very welcome Abby. Good luck on your journey.
From your email today, it sounds like the EZ Bean Cooker has uses beyond just cooking beans – I hadn’t even thought of that!
Yes Kathy anything you cook in a pressure cooker you can cook in the EZ Bean Cooker. Whether it’s vegetable broth, potatoes, yams, beans, lentils, rice, soup or meat. It has a manual setting so you enter in how many minutes you want to cook for so you can cook anything else outside of the presets for the beans.
I have always loved beans, and especially now since they are a large part of a healthier diet. Would love to have the bean cooker. Never knew there was such a thing!!
I just love your video. Thanks so much for making these!
You’re welcome. π
I enjoy reading this blog and finding new ideas to try. I am in my fourth month as a vegan and am starting to enjoy several health benefits. Being able to cook the beans faster would mean less eating out when I am tired or forgot to get my beans going the night before.
I am trying to loose over 100 pounds and beans are part of my new healthy diet. This would help me with that process. I just want to say that I have all of your recipes and I love everything I have tried. This cooker would help me learn to cook without oil, which has been the hardest part for me. I hope I win this I am trying to get all my kids to do a plant base diet and this handy tool would help so much!
Oh I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the recipes Cheryal, best of luck π
i enjoy beans – this would be a great addition to my kitchen!
I really need this! We are working towards a better lifestyle and reducing my husbands high blood pressure and diabetes plus we both have weight to lose…eating more beans and quicker cooking would really help! Thanks for considering me as a winner!
We eat a lot of canned beans in recipes, but I’d love this so that I could use the dried beans more often.
I had recently read about this bean cooker and it sounds like something I really need! I’m currently going through a lot of well-rinsed canned beans and would like to try this out. I’m also curious to see if the beans taste better when cooked this way as opposed to canned beans. Thanks for having this contest!
OMG yes beans taste WAY better when you cook them fresh vs the bland canned beans. I like to cook mine with fresh thyme and other herbs or garlic so they have a nice infused flavor.
I’m a law student and I also work and try to cook healthy meals for myself and my husband. I’m exhausted when i get home. Don’t have much time for soaking beans. It would be great to have this to cut down on cooking time!
I have never heard of the EZ Bean Cooker until now and I must say that it sounds pretty awesome! I really think I could benefit from having one of these in my kitchen because as a vegan, I eat a lot of beans and legumes. And when I say a lot I mean nearly a cup a day! π
I very rarely cook dried beans due to time constraints, but I have to say that when I do they taste soooo much better. I also like the fact that I know exactly what I am putting in them, and therefore into my body. I think by cooking your own beans you can save money, too, as dried beans seem to be less expensice than the no-salt, organic, PBA free, etc. canned stuff I ususally look for. Thanks for a great blog and newsletter, Veronica!
You’re welcome Stephanie!
My wife cooks beans every other week in our pressure cooker. She makes enough to last us about three days. We prefer black beans as it seems they are more nutritious than others. We recently got your comfort foods cookbook and can’t wait to get started on cooking all the recipes. They look fantastic. Thank you for putting so much time and effort into your site as well as your email updates. Also, the pressure cooker contest is awesome!
You’re very welcome Jason. I hope you enjoy all the recipes! I love using black beans!
I have bags of beans in the pantry that seem to stay there since I can’t seem to remember to soak them overnight. The cooker should be the perfect solution to this problem!
I would to love to win this. I use canned beans and have thought about making my own.
Oh my!!!! I have checked-out the EZ Bean website and I am astounded at the ease with which one can whip-up a batch of fresh dried beans in this thing! I would so LOVE to win this! I have been a Vegan for 14 years now and have always shied away from cooking dried beans because of the time & prep involved, not to mention the mess when an unwatched pot boils over π I am keeping my fingers crossed in hopes of winning this kitchen MARVEL!!! Thanks ~cg
I’d actually like to cook beans in the cooker, they take so long otherwise.
I have been looking at pressure cookers for a while now trying to decide which one to get. I usually cook up at least 2 bags of chickpeas a week along with random other beans, and this bean cooker looks like it would be perfect for what I need!
We eat beans all the time. Would love to have this to cook them faster. Could I use it to do your soup broth recipes faster also? I can’t use the commercial brands since they are so high in sodium. I have all your ebooks. Love the black bean burgers, even my husband. Thanks for helping me as I make more raw foods.
Yes Charis! I make my vegetable broths in the pressure cooker and the EZ Bean Cooker is a pressure cooker. So I just use the manual time program setting and put the ingredients in the pot, close the lid and it’s ready to go! I do not have time to make vegetable broth on the stove, i use a pressure cooker every time.
This would be the perfect addition to our kitchen! I try to serve beans twice a day to help my hubs with his high cholesterol. This would be such a time/energy saver! Thanks!
First would like to know if you can use this cooker to make your soup broth? I can’t use the commercial ones that are so high in sodium. I am making the broth on top of the stove which takes so long.
We eat lots of beans & would love to cook them faster as with this cooker. I have all your ebooks. Love that you have raw & cooked foods that you recommend, not just raw foods. We eat black bean vege burgers now instead of beef burgers. My husband even really likes them & most of the other recipes I am trying. Thanks for all your work to help me eat this new way.
Because it’s mandatory and I can’t afford to buy a bean cooker
I have used my pressure cooker/canner to cook beans and it really is as easy as everyone says. I had some pintos that I had stored improperly (before I knew better) and after 5 years had dried out to the point no matter how long they soaked before cooking, they were still a little crunchy. I decided to try the pressure cooker method and it worked great! This cooker will make it even easier. Also, I too have never used oil when I cook beans in the pressure sooker and have not had a problem. Not to say the recommendations should be ignored because foaming could definitely be a safety issue, I’m just not too convinced adding oil is nescessary from my own personal experience.
Thanks for an awesome blog and newsletter!!!!!!!!!!
I agree jason. I haven’t had any problems with foaming cooking dried beans in the pressure cooker. Once I had some foam with black beans I had soaked over night and then cooked in the pressure cooker. There was less water doing this and maybe a factor. With lots of water (8 cups) cooking 1 lb of beans in the EZ Bean Cooker I’ve never had a problem.
I’ve got to have one. Its going on my Christmas list!!!!
I sure could use this EZ Bean Cooker!
not sure if I was successful in my entry attempt for the contest. By the way bought the book Lowfat foods from around the world. My wife has made several of the recipes. Really great food
Thank you Reggie!
I seldom get to have beans anymore, there is just not time to cook them! To be able to have them when I want them is awesome!
Most of my family are the “meat and potato” kind of eaters. So it has been somewhat difficult to switch them all to a vegan diet. Though, I have to say my husband and I love beans, all kinds of beans. Currently I use canned beans, more so for the convenience, but would love a bean cooker to cook fresh beans. I have been looking at both bean cookers and rice cookers at the stores and will be obtaining these at some time in the future. I thought your article on the small appliances was extremely helpful. Thanks for all your advice and fantastic recipes.
I eat beans frequently, and having this bean cooker would save me time and money. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to win it.
I would love to start making beans.
Canned beans are one of the few food items I still buy in cans or boxes.
I am working on eliminating them all before long.
This would be such a great timesaver. Freshly cooked beans after work π
We love beans at my house and I am probably the worse about presoaking beans the night before and then try to cook them up in one round and they are either tough or mush, this bean cooker would help eliviate some of my problems with cooking beans,
I would love to be able to prepare beans more easily. I love beans and they are a significant part of my plant based diet.
I would like to win this because it seems like a user friendly, fast way to make healthy meals.
This would be great for cooking dried beans quickly when I get home late!
Made Beet and Black Bean Burgers to freeze yesterday. Out on more black beans to soak. Cooking and freezing those today. This bean cooker would make that whole process a one day thing.
This would really help our budget and our waistline
I would like to make vegan pinto beans; then make re-fried beans with coconut oil
I have been wanting to make my own beans instead of getting canned beans and to save money!
I love cooking beans, but I would love an easier way.
Never buy another can of beans!
I would love to win this because I want to incorporate more beans into our diet, but they take so long to cook! This would be a great addition to my kitchen!
Thanks for the contest. The winner will be very happy to have this great appliance!
Beans, beans the magical fruit. The more you eat the more you…TOOT!
Would love this quick ‘ez’ way to cook dried beans
I’d really love this cooker–I’ll be putting more black beans and pintos onto soak today
I believe this would be the most helpful thing in my kitchen. Beans in a snap! thanks for the chance
I use cans when I don’t have time to soak which means BPA. With the cooker, no more BPA since no soaking involved.
I would eat a lot more beans, I have a very hard time getting enough protein.
I would like one to make meals that are healthy while I am at work
I would like to win this to cook healthy stews and soups.
I bet you could make vegan Indian Dahl (yellow lentils) with this
I’m trying to eat more fiber and beans are a great way to do that but canned beans are often mushy and have extra sodium but because this would reduce cooking time it would make it easier to incorporate dried beans to my diet.
This would be so great for cooking dried beans after I get home from work!
This would look awesome sitting on my counter π
This appliance would help a great deal for our healthier lifestyle- we actually buy canned beans for easy meals. So this would eliminate that.
It would be wonderful to win the EZ Bean Cooker as I would love to own this wonderful appliance!
While it would be nice to not have to plan ahead to cook, the other advantage would be to be able to cook ahead in a cinch as well.
I eat beans with lunch 4 days a week so I make them a lot and freeze them. This would be so helpful!!!
I am always soaking my beans so I won’t have to do that anymore!
I’d like the ease of preparing dried beans with this cooker.
I just read your article abut foods to pack fr a camping trip, and I think some nice beet and black bean burgers would be a great dinner. You could make the patties at home before hand and even freeze them for easy packing.
It feels winter here and that means more beans for us -this would be so fast and easy!
It would be nice to make vegan black eyed peas in this machine
With the EZ Bean cooker I could use all my beautiful jars of dried beans easily!
More low-fat cooking more often
I’d use this for cooking lentils the most. I have the hardest time getting them just right.
This would be a nice time saver
Make fresh bean dishes fresh everyday rather than cook or plan ahead.
The EZ Bean Cooker has so many benefits. Not having to figure out if the beans are cooked enough to be done, not worrying that the beans are overcooked, not having to baby sit them while they are cooking, not having to presoak the beans – WOW!
I’m a lentil addict and this would be so much easier!
This would just stay on my back counter all the time. In the days I have been entering this giveaway, I have probably soaked and cooked beans 5 times or so.
So easy – makes me dream of beans for dinner!
I would love to slow cook some Mexican Black beans in this, vegan ones!
No more planning ahead to cook beans; can have them anytime.
Id love to cook beans easily. Today we will have hummus for lunch and black bean burgers for dinner. We eat something with beans almost every day.
Would like an EZ way to cook dried beans when I get home late.
Wow just 80 minutes -that would we could make beans last minute!
I would also love to use this to cook chickpeas to make hummus
My post from yesterday didn’t stick. mm…
Hoping to be able to free time to do other things while the beans are cooking.
Just would love an easy way to cook my dried beans!
I’d love to win this because it would make my coking easier.
My previous way to cook beans was a slow cooker- but this way sounds so much better!
What a great invention. I wish I had thought of it!
I am under dr orders to become vegetarian.
I would like this nice, convenient way to cook dried beans quickly.
I would be hard to think of a new reason every day…except that I was up very early this morning bagging black beans for the freezer. I cook huge bathes and freeze them mainly because of the amount of time needed to cook a batch. This cooker would save that time.
I never even knew such a thing existed until the contest (no, I don’t live under a rock). My awesomely, sexy vegan husband and I eat tons of beans and I’ll eat the fire of lentils anytime, anywhere, any day! He uses cans a lot while at work and I’d like to send him off with much healthier options. Enter: EZ Bean Cooker. I can just imagine how much more awesomely, sexy he’d be with fresh cooked beans to fill up on instead!
lol this made me laugh!
Looking back over the comments I didn’t realize this would cook rice as well -what a neat device this would be to have in the kitchen!
It is essentially a digital pressure cooker with presets for all the beans. You can cook ANYTHING in it manually as well. I like to use them for making mashed potatoes, mashed yams, vegetable broth and more. Anything that can be cooked in water or broth can be cooked under pressure in here.
I am having a hard time sticking with a vegetarian-based diet plan in part because I am unsure on the proper way to cook beans. This cooker looks fantastic and so easy, and it would definitely help me out!
There’s many ways to cook beans. If you do them on the stove or in a slow cooker you have to soak them for 4-8 hours before you start cooking them. If you have a pressure cooker you can just add them dry with water and pressure cook them. Each beans needs a slightly different time because they’re all different sizes. But cooking on the stove or slow cooker will take about 1-3 hours depending on what type of bean it is and you just keep stirring and checking. Or use a pressure cooker with a cooking chart to save on time.
Sure would love to win that EZ Bean Cooker. It would sure save tons of time and make it easier to stay on this plan.
Transitioning from a bad diet to a good diet is very hard, especially when giving up good country seasoned foods that I was raised on. My mother used to cook her pinto beans in a pressure cooker sometimes, along with lots of ham or ham hock. What a taste. I’m in for the beans and maybe not the ham hock. But, beans and legumes are such an important part of eating right, especially with the wonderful protein they provide. This cooker sounds like the major needed product for good cooking and a good diet. Mom’s beans would melt in your mouth and a cooker like this seems it would make them do that again!
So in my quest to get healthier after 2 strokes back in 2009 I have made many changes. This summer I have transitioned into a vegan/gluten free lifestyle and things are so much better. Something like this would assist in making sure I am getting my beans provided in a more healthy way. I admit my job makes my life hectic and crazy .. I look for ways to expedite processes at work as it is my job and now I need them at home so I can continue to improve my health and in retrospect the belt line around my waist. Thank you for the opportunity to enter and potentially win something that would make those processes a little bit easier. Namaste.
This would be such a great time saver!! I have quite a few recipes for beans, but it’s so hard to remember to pre-soak, … so I usually don’t get around to making them very often. How great it would be to just throw everything in the pot and be done with it!
My Mom used to make meals in a pressure cooker. I bet you can make Red Lentil Soup (which I love) using the EZ bean cooker. How cool would that be?
I would love to win this!I am trying to began a vegan lifestyle and plan to eat more beans.I have just been trying to come up with ways to cook/prepare beans for meals recently.This would come in at such a great time and would make things so much easier for preparing Vegan meals:)
I cook beans every week! I love them and would love to have this bean cooker!
I would love to win the EZ Bean Cooker! My family and I love beans and cooking with them! My girls and I eat hummus at least 3-4 times a week and making the beans this way would be so cost effective versus buying pre made hummus all the time!
This would be awesome!! Definitely an easy way to get even MORE beans into our menu!!
I would love this
More bean salads in the summer and soups in the winter sounds good to me. Crossing my fingers π
This would be a great way to cook in this heat!
this would make so many recipes so easy!
The EZ Bean Cooker would be great to have so when I forget to plan ahead and I can still cook beans for dinner!
We can eat more beans with it since it’s easier to cook them. I have my eye on your low fat hummus recipe π
I’m from New Orleans and I love to make Louisiana red Beans; this would make it so I can set it up and just leave it, wonderful!
PS: I leave out the ham hocks!
I’ve wanted one of these for a while…making bean cooking easy!
it would be great to have this in the winter – so fast and we seem to eat more beans
Want to make life more simple and eat better.
We love bean tostados and it would be great to be able to prepare the beans more quickly and easily with the bean cooker.
Can’t wait to make some Creole red beans in this cooker!
No more tending the pot and stirring. I can do other things… within reason π
I’d love to make it easier to just throw something in the pot, turn it on, then go about other business.
Love to have a product designed for the specific task
we do love beans such a great bargain!
I love beans!
Having an EZ Bean Cooker would make it so easy and convenient to prepare cooked beans. It would help me be more efficient with the time I spend in the kitchen preparing healthy home cooked meals. What a wonderful blessing it would be to win one of these products.
This is AWESOME! We have just begun our whole foods, raw foods journey- I knew they made rice cookers, but had no idea they also make BEAN cookers!
This will make my husband a very happy man- beans are one of his favorite foods. We would love to add this to our home kitchen.
Thank you for the chance to win!
I can finally turn cooking beans into a science by repeating the cooking process without much labor.
This cooker would be a great tool in our extreme low salt diet.
I’d love to win because I cook a lot with beans, and dried are more economical
I love the design of the cooker also -it would look great on a counter all the time
nice idea…can the cooker be used for foods other than beans? thanks for sharing!
WOW ! This looks amazing π We decided to to whole food vegan in May 2013…big step for a 57 and 61 year old ! We feel great !!! Only challenge is meal planning for our new lifestyle…I think this would be a BIG help π
Anyone in the family will be able to cook them with this appliance.
Nice efficient way to cook beans fast, without soaking
there would be no excuses to make beans -ha husband would love it!
It would be great to prepare dried beans without guessing how long to cook them and trying to figure out if they are cooked enough.
Looking forward to eat beans more often without the hassle of soaking them.
Nice to have an efficient way to cook beans without soaking!
This product I think would be a must have for my household -the amount of time saved would be so wonderful!
Well we have a bunch of beans in the cabinet that we never eat because we are to lazy to soak them , guilty! This would come in handy π Also my sister is a vegan so this would be a good way to get her protein π I hope i winnnn!
hi veronica, i love this great item would make my life with ms and vegan diet easier. fun to play.
One reason we’d like the cooker is because we love legumes and with it we can have them more often.
I would like this for quick and easy bean cooking!
I am a HORRIBLE cook and I think that this may actually make it so that I can cook beans without having to throw out the burned pot when I was done! π
Happy to have found your page!
Glad to have found your page!
I’d love to win your contest. I love beans & need more ways to cook in less time.
This would be handy for us. We can’t seem to get around to starting beans on time and we really ought to be eating more.
I would cook beans more often and start looking for more “exotic” dried ones if I had this cooker.
I would love to be able to have fresh cooked beans this easy to get away from the cost of canned beans as well as who knows what might be in the can!!! Thanks!
I love that this cooker allows control for different types of beans–a big part of our “clean” diet is diversifying the foods we eat.
I would like an easy way of cooking dried beans
As a busy mom of 2, I don’t always have time to soak and cook beans. This would be great for quick meals.
Love kitchen gadgets, and I think this one’s really neat!
I finally got my chickpeas on to soak–after forgetting them for days and using up the last of my frozen ones for a pasta dish last night. So no hummus for lunch today. I’ll cook the beans this afternoon. This bean cooker would have made this process so much easier.
As a kid, I never ate a single bean. My mom had gout and beans aggravated it so she never served them.
In college, I fell in love…with beans! Over the years, I had all sorts of bean crocks for baking and pressure cookers for boiling them but, as a busy single mom, I got into the canned bean habit (hanging head in sorrow…).
NOTHING tastes like home-made though and I’d love to get back into making beans at home.
Had one of the kids and his friends over (they’re grown now) for dinner last night and made great vegan barbecue-style baked beans (on a 90-degree day – that’s mother love!) and they were so good!
I’d love to have a cooker that won’t heat up the house (Summers here are always dry and hot) but will deliver the flavor and goodness we’ve missed for so long.
I would love to win this because we are trying to eat more beans at our home. We want to add more fiber to our diet and eat less meat.
I dig the whole thing….your use of nutritional yeast, the comfort foods, those awesome vegan omelettes that can’t be burned and really hit the spot when I’m dang hungry. The kitchen is a different place than before learning the comfort foods. Plus it’ll go right there…next to the juicer.
Your comment made me laugh. π The omelettes are great because they don’t burn you’re right! haha
No more having to look up bean cooking times!
i would luv to win would be a great additon to my kitchen as i love to cook healthy meals for my family,it would also makes it a whole lot easier to do so.
this would be a great additon in my kitchen as i luv to cook,this would make it soo much easier to make meals for my family and healthy as well.i would love to win this .
Tick tock! August will be here soon! π
I would love to win the EZ Bean Cooker. It would make using home cooked (healthier) beans so much easier to do.
I have been using your comfort foods cookbook for over a month now and love your recipes and ideas. I would love this bean cooker as my kitchen is very low tech at the moment and I could do a lot of great things with it. You do an awesome job.
Thank you Fred! So happy you are enjoying the recipes π
Beans are one of the longest cultivated plants, so if I was to win this cooker I could start next year and grow a few different types of beans. How cool would that be to say that I grow, cooked and made these beans.
Been following for a while…thank you for the great information. This bean cooker is a perfect addition to a vegan kitchen… thanks
that pressure cooker appears so easy and convenient…..being diabetic it would just make it so much easier with less steps in the cooking process nothing to watch. its all done for you.
I’m over my disbelief that such a tool exists and starting to think what I’d do with all those yummy cooked beans that would normally be a chore to cook. It’s so exciting.
I was thinking about (wishing for) this bean cooker and remembered a “relish” my grandmother used to make in her old school pressure cooker–black eyed peas, onions, tomatoes, jalapenos, corn. Yum!
Imagine a bean cooker -that would help so much when you busy and you decide you don’t have time for beans!
would like to win to make cooking easier
I would love to have this because I love including beans in my recipes and don’t like to use canned beans but haven’t perfected the dry beans yet, so this would really be a blessing!
Congratulations your entry was randomly selected as the winner!
I would love to be able to cook my own beans — so much better than canned ones, but don’t have the confidence or patience to do it the old way. Thanks for showing us this product, Veronica. I appreciate you so much. Crossing my fingers to win!
Wow, with all the people on this blog I don’t know how much of a chance I have to win this great pressure cooker
Winning this bean cooker would be really great
I think this looks like a really useful website!
I would love to win this so I can use it to make more healthier eating options. Plus I’d love to show my vegan buddy a cool new toy!
I loved your demo on using the pressure cooker. I have never used one but would love to now to cook quicker and healthier beans. I had always been afraid of them until I saw your video
it would be great to win. Saves time and money!
This was great. Thanks Veronica. I am so grateful to you for how much time and effort you put into your site. I found your site when googling about reversing diabetes and low fat vegy cooking. I was quite overwhelmed at first since I have never been a good cook. You make it so easy to understand and so much less intimadating. Thank you again.
Wow thank you. You’re very welcome. My goal is to simplify things to make healthy eating accessible for everyone to improve their health. π
I am slowly converting to vegan cooking cooking and this would definitely help!
I would like to win because this seems like an easy, efficient way to cook beans.
Okay,I’ll admit it….I love cool kitchen gadgets π
I had not idea this even existed! It will make my life a lot easier if it were in my kitchen. I’m still in disbelief.
I would love to win, we eat a lot of beans in our house.
Oh this would be so perfect -I’ve never heard of this before. My husband and I love Soup Beans as he calls them (pinto beans), how fast it would be to make them in this!
Beans are great for vegetarianism and health. The pressure cooker will be convenient with our busy work schedules. Thank you for the opportunity and all your information about eating healthy!
We eat a lot of beans in our house! I would love to have this to make. Cooking easier.
i have 3 daughters and a husband who love beans so this would be perfect and save alot of time so they can have them more often
I would love the bean cooker because I am a fat free vegan and eat a lot of beans and do not own an electric pressure cooker yet. I would love to be able to cook more beans more easily. I hate the canned beans fresh beans are the best
I would like this cooker because my son and I are vegetarians and we eat a lot of beans and rice. I think this would ad more variety to our diet. I know sometimes when I try to soak beans they just don’t come out right, so I would like to try this cooker.
I like to make my own beans for burritos
I love making beans. Pressure cookers are the only way to go. The EZ bean cooker looks amazing and so easy.
I work 7 days a week, so this would be a great help for me!
I love all beans, but my favorite is pinto beans!!!! Would be nice to have a cooker to make them. I don’t have a pressure cooker.
I would really like to have a bean cooker π
I’d like to win an EZ Bean Cooker to not only make beans , but to also make an awesome chili.
I love cooking beans, but the overnight soak and long cooking times mean I don’t have them as often as I would like. This pressure cooker looks like the perfect solution.
I’d love the predictability–whatever I cooked would come out the same every time.
What a great small appliance. I love the fact that we don’t have to use oil. π
I had no idea this even existed! I am constantly soaking beans to make bean soup, homemade chili, lima beans, hummus, refried beans… wow. L-O-V-E it!!!
I so need this in my like!
I would love to win this because I am transitioning to low fat vegan and this would be awesome to cook beans and lentils in π
Am intrigued – would like to try this so I don’t have to buy canned beans anymore!
My husband was born in Brazil and loves their bean dishes!
I would love to win this because I love beans.
i would love to have this bean cooker! i can see it now… soooo many more home-cooked meals:)
What an awesome giveaway! I will be keeping my fingers (and toes!) crossed for this!!
I <3 beans!!
It would be a thrill to win the EZ Bean Cooker. I see this as a new essential kitchen appliance for anyone who eats alot of beans.
This is the greatest idea! A vegan must…..would love to win it
Would love to have Ez Bean cooker. Our family eats beans almost every day, especially due to my sons disease. Changing to a vegan has saved his life. And beans are a great part of his diet.
I’d love to have this! Prepping meals will become muuuuuch easier!!!
I am new to a plant based diet and would love to cook my own beans without soaking them! Anything that saves time in the kitchen and helps me stick with my food plan is great!
Was just thinking about how many variations of my chili that I could come up with using all the different kinds of beans. How cool is that .. Nice little Winter project on cooking.
Thanks for giving me a chance to win.
Arrrrg! I cooked and froze a potof black beans yesterday and should have chickpeas cooking now…but I forgot to put them on to soak last night! So, I am doing the “quick soak” and will have to freeze them this afternoon. Wow, I could use this bean cooker just because of my memory fails.
WOW. I didn’t know black beans could be ready in 2 mins ( pre-soaked) when using a pressure cooker. This appliance will definitely be appreciated in my kitchen. My family will be pleased!
That’s 2 minutes cook time at full pressure, it will take 10-20 minutes to heat up and come to pressure first. π
I’ve really bean wanting one of these. I’d be soy happy if you do me a fava and let me win.
Thank you!
I would love to be able to make my own beans and save me some money! I’d probably go on a bean making marathon before college starts so I’ll have the convenience and more time to…study π
I always forget to soak and then end up going out to buy a can. This seems so easy, if I dont win, I’ll probably buy one. The video was great, cant wait to watch more π
i would love to have one to make chili
This is a great product, I would love to start making my own beans.
I had no idea this type of thing even existed! I have a great recipe that cooks dried blackbeans with a can of rotel, but it uses the crock pot and it takes like 6 hours.
The EZ Bean Cooker would make it so easy to utilize dried beans (which I have lovely jars of) that I would love to win one as beans are a big part of my vegan diet.
I am trying to incorporate more natural and homemade food into our diets but I have no clue how to properly make beans. This would be an amazingly fun way to learn.
I switched to oil free vegan because of my MS. The medications the doctors gave me to treat it were shutting down my liver! I’m 31 years old and was having a hard time playing with my kids let alone enjoy life. Changing my diet turned it all around. The change was hard until I found your recipes. I love your soups and everyone of your comfort foods. This bean cooker looks so easy and would save so much time and money. Thanks for everything you do. You make a healthy lifestyle easy and enjoyable! π
Thank you so much Christina. I’m very happy to help. I know Dr. McDougall has had a lot of success healing people with MS with this type of diet. I wish you all the bet!
Thank you so much for that youtube video demonstration. This makes so much more sense than running to 5 different stores to find a variety of No salt beans! I would love to win this, Thank you!
You’re welcome π
I love beans and I would love this cooker!
No more boiling over. Beans cooked perfectly.
What more could one ask for?!
I am a pre diabetic, and would love to gave this bean pot,oh also I asked god to bless my entry
i have ms and had to go off my ms drug sooo i’ve been on Dr McDougall’s plan. Your recipes and tips made eating a wonderful adventure. The bean cooker would be something I could never afford, but it certainly would be cherished and used in my kitchen.
I have so many food allergies and my husband is allergic to aluminum. With our allergies eating anything out of a can is difficult. This would help with that issue AND solve that problem. I would love to have this for my kitchen!!!
This would be a great appliance to have. I usually eat canned beans because they’re more convenient. I would definitely eat my dry beans if I had this appliance.
Desperate for this item! Tired of paying a fortune for organic beans and/or putting up with added salt and preservatives!
Deliriously happy at the thought of having this… I have beans daily.
This is the ideal appliance for me to always have beans on hand & never have resort
to can beans again, which are costly.The EZ Bean Cooker will pay for it self over period
of time. You also will mostly always a get a consistent product. A must for all passion
Vegans, which will make your life in kitchen a lot easier/ less time.
This would make eating beans (which I love!) more convenient without having to rely on canned products!
I never cooked beans before but would like to start
I would dearly love to have a bean cooker. It takes me back to when my mom used to make home-made beans. No cans.
Love getting your emails with awesome recipes…. and would love love love to win that bean cooker!!! Have some beans soaking right now and it would be so much better to just pop them in the cooker and let it do its thing.
Thank you!
You give me courage to use a pressure type cooker! I’ve been afraid of one evere since my mom’s “blew”. Having an EZ cooker would save me so much cash!!!
I just made a video on how to use one, check it out here:
This bean cooker would be a useful replacement for the crockpot I seldom use.
I would be so excited to win this pressure cooker for beans and other food! Had o ne, an older model and well worn! New one would be safer. Thanks for chance.
This piece of equipment sounds amazing. I’ve recently started cooking more beans, but it sure heats up the house for long periods of time during the summer months. Because of this, I’ve curtailed my bean cooking :{ This bean cooker would be ideal and I’d love to try it!
Love your recipes! Also great idea for a give away!
Loved seeing your you tube video on how easy it was to cook dried beans from scratch! Didn’t realize how easy it would be and would love to win one! Thanks for your great recipes, I have your soup ebook and have started preparing more plant based whole food recipes.
My biggest concern was the addition of oil. I don’t want to do that. It’s good to see you have no problem eliminating it.
I have always heard horror stories about how hard and dangerous it is to use pressure cookers, but after watching your video it seems super easy and simple. Now I am even more excited to get a chance to try this new product!
Love your news letter. Your recipes are awesome! Love the give away idea!
Looking forward to cook lots of beans, chickpeas and lentils!!
I love beans but do not like the amount of time it takes to cook them on the stove. I think it would be so much more convenient to cook them quicker in the EZ Bean Cooker!
thanks for all your great help with cooking. I am 76 and need all the help I can get. your recipies are the best ever. norman
I feel like I limit myself to only a few types of beans because I prefer to buy organic but some of the organic canned options are just too expensive. With the handy EZ Bean Cooker I think I’d be able to expand my selection of beans to include many other dried varieties since they’re far more affordable. Also as we eat a primarily vegan diet at home beans and lentils are a primary source of protein for us making this little cooker a most welcome addition to our kitchen!
I have switched to a vegetarian diet about 4 months ago. One of the biggest drawbacks has been the long time it takes to cook beans. Due to this I have been using a lot of canned beans. This EZ Bean cooker would be a big plus.
What a wonderful opportunity to try out some new dishes I’ve been wanting to try!!!
I have avoided cooking my own beans for over 40 years…this cooker would be the only way I would try again…as I avoid using canned anything as much as possible…this would allow me to add beans and lentils back into my family’s diet!
Just beginning my journey into the world of vegan cooking. This EZ Bean Cookerlooks like it’s just what I need to get started on the right foot!
This looks awesome! And what a great help instead of the s l o w cooker! I just bought some canned beans to help me with the new changes I’m making in my diet and had a hard time finding the brand with the least amount of sodium…
EZ Bean Cooker is the perfect kitchen cookware. Just put your favorite bean on go to work and whala, dinner when you walk in the door, what could be better for our busy lifestyle. Would love to win one.
I like beans! I’d like the EZ Bean Cooker, please! I’d cook beans for hummus and frijoles refritos and red bean gumbo — all low-fat, plant-based of course!
After having to throw away tons of different varieties of beans this would make my life so much easier. I needed this yesterday;.
I am cooking black beans right now–a two day affair that involves soaking then watching the pot as they cook. I cook large quantities with no oils or seasonings of any kind, then freeze then for use by the handful in whatever I’m cooking. Tomorrow, I’l do chick peas.
Canned beans are so expensive and it’s hard to find organic ones with no salt. I very much want to make my own beans so I can use organic ones and omit the salt. I eat beans every day and this would be a great tool for me!
I would love this because I make refried beans and it would make it easier!!
Thanks for the chance.
I would love to own this marvelous gadget. I had no idea it existed until today. I turned vegan in February of 2013 for health reasons and I have been buying canned beans for the convenience even though I am on a tight budget. I would prefer the ability to easily cook my own beans, not only would it be more economical, it would be healthier and home cooked!
It would make food prep so much faster and easy
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I love making beans from scratch instead of just opening a can.: gives a sense of accomplishment. Plus they are soooo much better, healthwise and financialwise(not a word I know.) I’ve never used a pressure cooker so this will be completely new for me. I also love to eat beans of any kind, just need ideas for them. I sure would love to win this.
Love beans but they are hard to cook to get them soft. They are a big savings at the grocery store for the budget. This cooker would be awesome for cooking and savings both.
I have been wanting to get a pressure cooker and this programmable one would be incredibly useful
I would love to win this. If it cooked rice, also, that would be a real plus!
It in fact does cook rice and in the manual has instructions for that as well.
My husband and I were just talking about how bad we are about using beans because we don’t plan our meals in advance very well. Because we are vegan this is an imptant staple to our family so to win a EZ Bean Cooker would be PHENOMENAL!
I loathe canned beans and love to make them fresh, so this would really help a lot.
I would like to win because the whole family enjoys beans/peas. I love their is no soaking required, I’m not good at planning ahead π
What a time and money saver the EZ Cooker would be! Added bonus—not having “meat” options on a selection menu.
So much need this cooker. As for now I only have a crockpot.
Well I have realized that I eat way more lentils and split peas than anything else because I always forget to soak the beans before I leave in the morning. And although I love them, they can get seriously monotonous. Solution??????? The EZ bean cooker!!
I’ve just been reading some great recipes for Ethiopian foods–this bean cooker would be a nice help with those.
I’ve had cancer twice – currently fighting it the second time. I eat a lot of beans, and need to avoid all canned goods with BPA. This would be such a help.
love the idea of cooking my beans in a bean cooker versus boiling over in my old beat up aluminum rice cooker !!!!! can hardly wait to try EZ bean cooker
i eat beans a lot keeps my blood sugar nice and balanced
What a great appliance to help add more beans and legumes into my cleaner diet – I really want to be able to “quick cook” my recipes instead of having to soak overnight every time.
I am just amazed at how short a time that this product can cook dried beans. I am impressed with the different bean selection buttons. I would love this.
This would be a great addition to our kitchen. We love making beans from scratch but it takes way too long! This would be a definite help.
I like foods thoroughly cooked and tender and made quickly saving me time and this is why I would love to win the EZ Bean Cooker!
I love the idea of this EZ Bean Cooker. It would be a dream to pressure cook my beans without having to look up the cooking times. Just pushing abutton? What could be easier?
Love the idea of getting away from canned beans! Such an interesting appliance and thanks for the opportunity of winning it! π
I am thinking this would be awesome to help me stay on my vegan plan. Anything that helps cook beans faster is a winning idea to me. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would like to use this in my Kitchen.
We began the journey to eat well a few years ago and continue to learn. I have reached the stage where I am eliminating all cans. This would be a wonderful tool to help in that progress.
This looks awesome! π
We eat beans a couple of times a week & this would make them so much easier to make!
I would like to cook up a yummy dinner for my family!
Great giveaway! I don’t own any type of slow cooker and would love to try one out!
I didnt even know there was such a thing…now I want one!!! π
I’d love to eat beans…i’m trying to avoid canned foods so haven’t been eating beans – with this appliance – it’s time to start! Thank You
Oil free beans, oil free beans, good for your heart….
the more you eat, the more you are smart….
It would be a wonderful prize.
Crossing my fingers. Thanks to lowfatvegan for the heads up on the contest!
My husband and I eat beans everyday me three times a day
I turned where I get my heirloom beans on to EZ Bean cooker folks
They had no idea a bean cooker even exists
The EZ bean cooker company/folks are so helpful in helping me know the EZ Bean cooker is exactly right for me
I like to bring bean salads and soups to get togetherness so the cooker will make everything bean a whole lot easier quicker cleaner
Thanks for having such a great product I am glad to be in the mix for winning one
Which I will use several times per week maybe every day if really super easy!!!!!!!
I love beans and lentils, but with two little ones under 3, I always end up with lentils stuck to the bottom of the pan as I try to multitask and watch kids and cook healthy meals at the same time. I can imagine this would be very useful!
I’ve recently been moving towards eating more beans without knowing at ALL how to cook them. You’re website and recipes have been a huge help. I have Crohn’s and am continually looking for meals and a diet that will keep the disease under control w/out the heavy medications I’m having to take right now. With working so many hours a week and managing kids, I don’t always have time to plan ahead. I saw this on your 12 list the other day and thought, YES, there is a way to eat healthy when not always having the time to plan in advance. This cooker would be a lifesaver!!!
Oh, I am so in love with the fact that lentils and beans do not drive my blood sugar level up. I have come to find that there are beans I like and beans I don’t like. I am glad I kept trying. I thought I hated all beans. My health has improved with the inclusion of beans in my diet. So…. to whoever wins… CONGRATULATIONS! You will feel SO much better. (Uh, after you adjust to eating beans, that is.) π
I’m so sick of eating canned beans, this would make my life so much easier!
I just found out that there are over 13,000 known varieties of beans worldwide. I wonder if I win this cooker just how many of these beans I’ll be able to get my hands on and try out. The kitchen will look like a bean store.
Wow, this would make my life so much easier. My husband is disabled and has difficulty digesting many foods but beans are something he can eat without a problem. I make lots of bean dishes, usually with a slow cooker or on the stove which is hard because I work long hours and I’m so exhausted and drained by the time I get home. If I were to win this EZ Bean Cooker it would make my life just so much easier. Blessings to you.
I did not know you could cook beans in a cooker, this would be so nice for it would not heat up the house in summer. Also with time of the utmost important dinner can be fixed faster for a hungery crew. Theresa
Thanks for the info about the bean cooker. The last time my husband tried to cook beans from dried, they were awful! So I am glad to know there is a great appliance like this one.
Would absolutely love to win this. This would make it so much easier to cook all the beans we eat!
I’ve always been intimidated by cooking beans – do you soak them, how long do you cook them, etc. I would love to win this to take the guessing out of cooking beans.
Who doesn’t love beans! π Yum!
It would be nice to own one of these new pressure cookers. I love beans & lentils would save plenty of time on cooking just like everyone else said up above. Looking 4ward to being a winner
Would like to win this so I can learn how to make different bean dishes.
i would like for my family to eat more beans but getting them in can isnt ideal id much rather cook it from dry
I eat beans every day, preferably 3 times a day! This will eliminate my timing blunders and overnight soaking!
Oh, this is the perfect “tool” for a Vegan Kitchen! The stove-top bean cooking method is so time-consuming (even the Quick Soak) and can be quite messy if left unattended!!! Joy, joy, joy…I would love to win this!!!
This would make a great addition to our kitchen and helpful in getting dinner on the table sooner after a long day at work. π A win-win situation. π
This would be awesome for the kitchen, we never owned a pressure cooker or a bean cooker.
my sister would love this ,she makes all our sides
As we get older, my wife and I are trying to eat healthier. Beans and lentils are becoming a bigger part of our diet. We are also working to eliminate added oils and salts from our diet. Canned beans contain too many added salt and other stuff to be totally good for us. We would love to have an electric bean cooker to simplify our food prep.
I would love to have one, esp with warmer days, it would be nice to put meal in pot and not have to work in hot kitchen
This is pro and cook a probably the smartest new product I have seen in a while! I usually try and cook a lot of beans at once because they take so long, but you also have to be careful because they go bad relatively quickly in the fridge. This gets rid of the problem because they would be done so fast. And no need to remember to soak!
I would love to have one. This one is going to be my fave cooking gadget in my kitchen. Thanks Veronica!
I love this idea and it would incorporate more fibre in our meals.
Looks like an awesome resource, would love to win!
LOve beans and eat them several time a week. I only have a 30 year old crock pot with high and low settings i use now to cook beans / unless I cook on stove. wouls love to win this new bean cooker. Thanks for letting me enter..Hoping to win!
I am celiac as well as having many other food restrictions. So beans and lentils are a large part of my diet and this cooker would be very useful to me as well as my family. It would make things much easier, and get a ton of use if it were mine!
I love beans and rice and presently I just cook the rice in the microwave and throw in a can of beans. I remember baked beans that my grandparents made, and it would take me back to “love” in my mind if I could bake beans in this apparatus for my family. It is traditional, easy, delicious, healthy and soon to be forgotten by our youngsters. I have two granddaughters, Jade and Jordan, 16 and 10 respectively. I want them to taste tradition.
Now this would really simplify bean cooking! I like the fact that it’s smaller than my stove-top pressure cooker and possibly my slow-cooker, too, so I can easily keep it handy in a kitchen cabinet instead of in the storage closet in another room.
I try to stay vegetarian and cook lot’s of beans which I love but I am too busy and no time for too much work, so having one of this pot will be wonderful for me. I hope I win!
Thank you!
Like most people, my family’s schedule is hectic!!! This would allow us to make good, healthy dinners and not be tempted to “pick something up” on our way home from work. We have committed to a vegan lifestyle, even my teenagers, and know that this appliance could help us enjoy more nutritious meals in a timely manner.
I would love to win this bean cooker because it would make my life easier! Also it would free up my crockpot for use on other recipes and I can have both going at the same time!
This bean cooker would be a great addition to my kitchen tools and appliances. I would definitely cook more beans from scratch rather than use the canned pre-cooked beans which would be quick and healthier for my family!! We enjoy eating lots of beans.
I have had two pressure cookers over the past few years – each one of them had problems, mostly with the ring that seals the lid to the pot so that the steam builds up and doesn’t leak out the edges of the pot – the rings shrink and get stiff and the seal no longer functions properly. Also it is difficult for the steam to start to come up and make the metal piece on the nozzle turn round and round to indicate the pressure cooker has come up to pressure. It was hard to gauge, also when the food – especially beans would be ready – sometimes they would still be hard and you would have to put them back in.
I was almost giving up on pressure cookers and was going back to my trustee crock pot, which would take much, much longer, but would result in guaranteed nice soft food. When I saw this blog on the bean cooker I thought, “What a wonderful idea – let’s see if it really works!!!” I had never heard of an electric pressure cooker before and seeing as to how I love beans and feel guilty for buying them out of a can, mind you – they are organic, at least – I thought this sounded like a good idea – I could eat beans BPA free with my own seasoning, etc. – i.e. – have more control over how my beans are processed – actually processed by me – not the food industry. Thank You!!!!
would love to win this gadget! i eat beans quite a bit, so this device would save me time and money
I’d love to win one to make my cooking even easier. I am semi-disabled and love my pressure cooker, but a digital one would help me so much more. π
I read the last post about the top 12 appliances. I saw the bean cooker and thought I MUST have that! And here you are having a free giveaway! How cool is that? I have been McDougalling/Esselstyning/etc. for four years and live on beans. We had a foreign exchange student from Korea all last year and she hates beans! It was a long year for her. She might not want this bean cooker, but I sure do! Thanks for offering it as a giveaway!
This bean cooker is such a great idea, whether I win or not, this is one kitchen tool that is going on my “must have” list : )
I LOVE beans for one… and cooking them from dry, I’m in control of all the ingredients. YAY!!!…. and NO BPA’s!!! No canned beans!! I am not the best cook at all so winning this would be so awesome!!! <3
I would love to win the EZ bean cooker because I just started my journey on the Eat to Live path and this bean cooker will make my life so much easier. I am a teacher and a mom to a 5 and 6 year old. This cooker would allow me to make fast, delicious meals during the school year at a reasonable hour.
I was raised on dry beans cooked from scratch – not the canned ick. I usually cook a “bean of the week” on Sundays or Mondays. This would be awesome so I could pick out what bean I want, whenever I want! Awesome!
I am very new to all of vegetarian style and needs help for cooking my beans. Will really appreciate if I can get this bean pot. Thank you.
I eat so many canned beans, they’re just so darn convenient. I have regular crock pot, but keeping up with all the different cooking times is annoying, and I tend to overcook and end up with mush. This would make it so much easier!!
I rely far too much on canned beans because my basic pressure cooker takes so much guesswork. This would revolutionize my cooking!
What a great, time saving gadget! I cook so many beans this would be wonderful to have in my kitchen.
We would love the EZ Bean cooker!!! We cook beans several times a week and this sure would save us a lot time!
I’ve still been using a crock pot that I bought in the 80’s~! sigh My eyes have ‘bean’opened.
This EZ Bean Cooker would be wonderful way to cook beans. My husband has a problem eating beans. This would certainly help him enjoy beans again.
The EZ Bean Cooker would be an awesome addition to my kitchen. I currently soak and cook beans every week. Sometimes I forget to soak the beans for the following day and end up using canned beans. I eat beans everyday!
This would be great, easier and cooler than the pressure cooker on the stove. Also much less nerve wracking!
Would loooove to have one. π
I have been following Dr. Fuhrman’s nutritarian lifestyle but I really need to increase my intake of beans. I have your soup cookbook and you speak of the fact that fresh cooked beans are superior tasting versus canned ones. However I always feel as though I “don’t have time” to make them, but I really want to! This bean cooker would be heaven sent if I could win one!! Thank you Veronica for all that you do!!
Bobbi Tazbin
Westfield, NJ, USA
This would be such a great addition to my kitchen. I only use canned beans. I have tried to make dried but never come out would love to have. Thanks!! π
This looks very useful.
I would LOVE to win a bean cooker! I’ve used pressure cookers in the past with mixed success, but never with beans. Since I became a low-fat vegan, I cook beans several times a week to incorporate into just about every meal. Beans are my main source of protein. It would be so great to not have to do the overnight soak and plan a dish two days in advance! Plus, I take call so meal planning ahead of time can be challenging.
My husband cooks with beans a lot and buys canned beans all the time. I don’t like that he buys canned for all the same reasons in your article but he watches our 2 year old doesn’t have the time to deal with soaking beans and cooking them for hours. I am super busy with work and want to spend as much time with my daughter when I’m not working so I don’t have the time either. It would be amazing to have this to eat even healthier for my husband who only has 1 kidney and kidney disease, my two year old and me. I’ve been vegan for about 3 years now and try to be as low fat as possible. My husband eats better but isn’t vegan, so the more tools I can give him to allow him to eat healthier the better. I really hope that we win one of these!!!
I’ve got to have one. Looks like it will be better than the crock pot. Thank you for sharing this product
I would love to try my hand at pressure cooking. I can see how much time I could save.
This would be an awesome addition to my kitchen as I am a single mom and work full time I’m always looking for ways to make my life easier and still give my family healthy meals. I LOVE beans though I use canned beans and would love to cook my own…they just take too much time and of course I’m impatient lol
I would love this! I’m fairly new to the world of low fat veganism, and have never attempted my own beans due to soaking times, busy schedule, this would be the best thing for us! if I do not win I’m going to gift it to myself anyway for christmas I think! lol
thank you
Such an awesome little gadget, I never knew a bean cooker existed! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I’m a Fuhrman Fiend so I eat a cup of beans everyday, and I ALWAYS make them from scratch – soooo much better. I use a Presto “jiggle-top”, and I am afraid not to add the oil Presto recommends to avoid clogging. With this appliance I could get away from that.
I’m down 80 pounds since I went low-fat vegan – another 15 to go!
I have a presto and never once added oil and never had a problem. I don’t have a gas stove anymore so I don’t use it on my glass top cook top. That’s why I got a digital pressure cooker.
I Veronica’s recipes. I HAV her comfort foods book and soup book. ,and I LOVE BEANS!
I’ve been thinking about getting a pressure cooker, so entering this contest is a good thing for me. Thanks Veronica!
This bean cooker would give me the desire to cook beans. I hate to plan ahead enough to soak them overnight. Would love to win the cooker.
Would love to win this bean cooker. Thank you for all the good you do to help us all improve our health and lives ( and the health and lives of all animals!!). To Pauline McCarthy: I understand the situation you are in with your health, and wish you well :))
I am a long time vegetarian venturing on a journey of a vegan livet. My favorite things at home are kitchen appliances. As a child I loved all vegetables and fruits, but beans seemed impossible to be forcibly eaten. Now as an adult, since i chose to embrace vegetarianism, I absolutely love beans. I even find it awesome the various types of beans there are. So, this bean cooker would be a welcome, totally exceptional addition to my hone for my family.
My doctor warned me a few months ago to change my diet, to cut out the sugar and fat and go more plant based but I did not heed him. Today I got dreadful news about my health and am in a bit of a shock. Been researching super foods tonight and have changed my diet already. Just had fruit for dinner tonight. This bean cooker would be a blessing for me. I just don’t know enough about the vegetarian lifestyle, but I can tell you, I will be reading all about it in the next few days. I used to cook Dhaal many years ago, gotta go back to cooking that and other beans and lentils. Thanks Veronica for bringing this machine to my attention. LoVe Pauline
Always wishing you the best Pauline.
Nicole Rodden
I have learned many things from Veronica. I am nearly vegan and it has been quite a transition this year. I have been out of work nearly 3 years and am now learning how to cook and try new foods. This is a great new facet to my life!
Time is probably the one reason people don’t cook beans. This would be great!
Sharon Thompsen
I would love love love to have this! I’ve been trying to adopt a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle bit by bit, and this would make it sooo much easier! Starting a weight loss program on Wednesday, and I need help. HELP!!! lol
New to the world of vegan
Am new to the world of vegan… this bean cooker looks like a great tool.
Contests! Another reason I love! Thank you for encouraging us to make good choices by introducing us to tools to make the venture a little easier.
I thought I already had all the appliances I needed in my kitchen…apparently not!!! Cook in bulk & freeze beans? Gotta get one of these!!!
Yes! Excellent plan
What a fantastic kitchen helper!
This sounds like an awesome new appliance. We eat a lot of beans and this sounds like it will make cooking them a breeze.
I would love to have one.. I make a lot of beans and it would be nice to have …Better than a slow cooker…
I would love to use this as I make a lot of veggie burgers from beans and often forget to cook them the night before! Thanks so much!
I watched the demo with the EZ Bean Cooker and it is very easy to operate …..I would enjoy having this addition to my kitchen. Beans are one of the main staple used in our household.
I look forward to receiving your newsletters and emails. Keep up the good work!
Loved to win this because I cook a lot of beans.
this would be awesome to win
OH, I would love to learn to use a pressure cooker for cooking beans, etc.!!! WOOHOO!
I have never heard of this pressure cooker brand before. Thanks for the heads up.
i cook beans on stove in pressure cooker and it never works right
A stovetop pressure cooker is trickier, you have to know the exact time to cook it at and water required for your stove through practice or guessing. Plus if you use a ring top or glass top stove it’s difficult. I only use stove top pressure cookers on gas stoves as it’s easier to turn up and turn down the heat quickly, not so with the other types. The digital pressure cookers are way more reliable and easier to use.
I live in Phoenix where we will be “warm” until Thanksgiving. I would love any appliance that will cook faster and not emit heat π
My sister and I have talked about getting together and cooking organic dried beans and canning them for easy quick use. This would make it so easy and fun! Thanks for the opportunity!
You can actually freeze them too you don’t have to can them. Just portion out and freeze in freezer bags.
I would love to have this cooker. I’ve never seen one before. It would take all the guesswork out of bean cooking. My hubby isn’t terribly fond of my “crunchy” beans. Maybe this would restore his confidence in my vegan culinary skills. Thank you for all your wonderful recipes, suggestions and online encouragement. Keep up the good work.
I love beans! I make all mine from scratch now (cheaper & healthier) but have been on the fence about trying a pressure cooker, so winning one would be perfect!
My husband and I have been “dabbling” with eating for health the past 2 years. We’ve learned a lot and strongly believe in the benefits of a vegan and raw lifestyle. The biggest challenge is, to eat this way, the majority of preparing the food has shifted to me. I’ve never been a skilled cook and am overwhelmed with a totally new lifestyle and being tired after a busy work day. I would love to win an EZ Bean Cooker to help minimize the time to prepare meals on work nights and also to help prepare beans and lentils in bulk on the weekend so I can food savor them to freeze and eat later. Thank you so much Veronica for your wonderful website and newsletters!
I think this would be an awesome addition to my little kitchen..Never knew such an item existed!.I also think that this would use less power(therefore less of a footprint than my present method of cooking beans,which is soaking and then in crock pots(2 of them)!
Because beans are so healthy for everyone, and because my granddaughter will be giving me my first great granddaughter soon…I’d love to win this prize
OK my friend Debbie that turned me on to going vegan has been talking about getting one of these cookers. She said that I could save so much money by buying in bulk and cooking when needed. We could share the cooker.
I’m so excited about this product. We currently use a lot of canned veggies & beans and I’m trying to get away from the BPA so this would be a wonderful & easy way to do that (since I hate the time & effort it takes to make beans the old-fashioned way).
Thanks for the info. about this product!!
We love beans and especially home cooked! I usually soak, then boil for a few hours. Would be delighted to own a pressure cooker! Thanks!!
As an older person who is losing her eyesight, I believe this would make it much easier for me to make the healthy vegan meals I love so much.
I would like to win the EZ Bean Cooker because it would be a great time saver! I already spend hours cooking every day, and never seem to get my dry beans cooked.
I would like one of these because I am looking for something to make it easier to prepare my healthy meals. As an older person who is losing her vision, anything that makes this possible is welcome.
We use/eat beans 3-5 times a week, even more if make something that calls for them for lunch. It would be wonderful NOT to have to soak the beans…it would save so many of us that don’t think about it until the day we want to use them! Here’s hoping my name is drawn! Actually, we are all winners one way or the other. Your recipes are true prizes, thanks Veronica.
Forgot to say that I used my full name when I entered the drawing: Marcia Moreno.
I never knew that this machine existed until now. Sounds really cool!
I need to add more beans to my diet and less packaged soy products!
I would like this because cooking the dry beans takes a really long time. I usually end up buying canned and it would save money.
This would be a DREAM to have!! I just started on a healthy way of eating!! I would SO love this!! Thank you for the opportunity!!
Sounds like a winner to me!
Love the recipes from the LowFat Vegan and this would help making some of the recipes!
I have been looking at this appliance to help with cooking beans from scratch. We use entirely too many canned beans. Our schedules are so hectic, that I never plan enough to get the beans soaked and cooked. This would be GREAT!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such an efficient kitchen tool! Being a proud owner of one of these would give me the opportunity to cook more beans and lentils. Right now I keep away from them due to time constraints! Veronica… you should write a book to go along with this machine!
LOL Thank you. I still have to play around with mine, so far I use it to cook lots of beans and lentils for simple dishes and existing recipes in my books/blog that I make regularly. π
What a wonderful device! I’d feel like I won the lottery to win one! thanks
What is the cooking portion made of? NO aluminum for me.?
Here is their website:
I’d love one “beans and greens” are good for cardiac health and I’m sure there are many recipes this would work great for!!! Thanks!
I would love to be able to make beans so that they come out the same every time. I still cook them on the stove and they don’t always come out perfect.
I stopped eating canned beans because of BPA’s
EDEN Foods has beans in cans with no BPA but I am boycotting them over their stance on women. SOOOO. I make my own beans now and this would be much easier.
The winner is selected randomly from qualified entries through the widget up top. Good luck
Oh goodness! I LOVE this little device and how simple it looks π
Thank you for all the amazing recipes you provide us with. My family LOVES them and that has helped my family be a bit more embracing of the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle.
I would love to win a bean cooker. Ever since reading Eat To Live in January, we are eating a lot of beans, all from cans. I’d like to try dry beans but am never organized enough to soak them hours ahead of time. A bean cooker sounds great!
How have I never heard of this? What a fabulous idea! I eat beans every day and desperately want to transition to using only dried beans, instead of canned. This would make life SO much easier! Just throw the beans in and press a button? Even for kidney beans? (My all-time favorite, but I’m terrified to cook them my own, because I read they can be toxic if not done correctly) How exciting! Thanks for the opportunity and for sharing knowledge of this AWESOME product!!!
I would love to win this bean cooker. I don’t use a pressure cooker and usually have to soak my beans overnight. It does inhibit spur-of-the-moment cooking.
I have been using a pressure cooker all my life, but this one goes beyond!!!! Nice gadget!!!
I would love to win the EZ Bean Cooker, it would help immensely with my new healthy eating lifestyle.
I keep saying that I am a baby vegan. I am still learning and I am not the best “cook” in the world unless I have tools to help me, like this bean cooker. I am trying to add beans and lintels into my daily diet and this would be phenomenal!
Would love to win this… it would make my life so much easier especially in the winter when I have to contend with bad weather and want healthy meals without a lot of guesswork.
This sounds like a great addition to my kitchen and would love a way to cook beans more quickly than the traditional way. Thanks!
I didn’t know bean pressure cooker exists. I hope there’s more recipes for bean cooking. I would save lot of money and time using dry beans instead of canned ones. It would help me to control the salt that comes with the canned beans. Some canned beans are too salty for me even I rinsed them.
I always buy the salt free kind, (there’s come conventional brands) and Eden Organics canned beans are all salt free.
I am so happy for a chance to win this! Because of hormonal problems I am scared of BPA in canned beans that I eat so much now..But how does it work that it does not require soaking? How about phytates? and other chemicals? This machine deals with all of it? I became low fat vegan recently and find that easiest way is to get canned beans..
The beans are cooked in water through pressure so they do not require soaking, it cooks them at a faster rate because of this increase in pressure. All the types of beans have their own preprogrammed time on the device.
I never seem to have time to cook my beans from scratch and end up using canned beans, which I would rather not. Having the EZ Bean Cooker would be awesome!!
Ez Bean Cooker would make my life so much easier!
Between working full-time and overtime, caring for my 12 month old, and preparing vegan meals for my family at home, my time is VERY limited.
I cook beans weekly and the shortest time I’ve cooked them in is 2 hours in the oven. Yet using the oven burns gas and heats the house causing me to run the air conditioner on high to cool back down in the summer.
Ez Bean Cooker would help me on gas, energy AND time!
This sounds so easy to use. I can’t wait to try it!
don’t know how you make every recipe so delicious, you just do. thanks for all you do
This looks like a great device, I’d love to try it out
We are constantly trying new recipes using those wonderful powerhouse beans. My heart feels better just talking about them. Seems this new appliance is a wonderful invention. What a great help this would be to cook a large supply of beans.
Getting a bean cooker like this would make my transition from eating meat to being Vegan so much easier. I have finally changed my way of thinking and eating and realize that being Vegan is not only healthier but the only way to be. Thanks so much for the information I’ve received from you, it has helped me so much with my journey
I would absolutely love this! No more soaking, no more bulky cans taking up space & I would be saving time.
I love my pressure cooker and rice cooker. This looks like the best of both worlds. It would save a lot of time and frustration.
I’d really like a pressure cooker to prepare beans. I’ve never had any luck soaking them overnight or heating them on the stove; they either don’t soak through or soak inconsistently (yuck). Trying out this pressure cooker would be awesome. Thanks for offering this!
It sounds fantastic!
I love commenting on this blog!
And I love beans. I really like franks and beans(Smart dogs now of course.)
I have never however been able to make a good baked beans from scratch. One day that is one of my goals!
Hope all are well and staying cool! It is HOT in NY WOWZER!
Can you use this for all your pressure cooker recipes
It has a manual mode as well so you can use it for cooking other things. With beans though you have to cook them first, you wouldn’t just add dry beans and a whole bunch of soup ingredients and cook it because the other ingredients would be mushy and severely overcooked as the beans take much longer to cook. But with lentils as they take less time to cook you could probably do this.
I would love to win the ez bean cooker because it would save me so much valuble time. I am gone from my house for a minimum of 7 hours each day, from 7 to 7 if not later. Remembering to soak the beans in the morning and then having to cook them for two hours when I get home takes a lot of motivation. This product is a fantastic idea and I would seriously love to own it!
I would love the EZ Bean cooker! I cook beans weekly and this looks like it would be very helpful!
This is the bean pot for me!!! I have to plan ahead with soaking and cooking in the crock pot overnight prior to various menus and functions – this would so simplify life for me – thanks!
Joan π
Love beans and they are so good for everyone! As a type 2 diabetic, I kind of get in a rut and eat the same beans (black beans with Cuban spicing) over an over. Love them, but how COOL to throw in a different kind of beans, hit a button and know you’re going to get great beans of a different kind? Have a little trepidation about having yet another appliance….but I trust the lowfatvegan chef and if it’s recommended, then I’d make room for it. And since I do have a min. of a cup of beans every day, I know it would get great use!
I would love to have this bean cooker. Cooking beans from scratch the old fashioned way is so time consuming and this machine would be a pleasure to use. I use canned beans at the minute but am worried about the chemicals in the tin lining.
I love your posts and recipes, Veronica, and I’ve been wanting a pressure cooker for a while. Thank you for this contest…my fingers are crossed!
I use canned garbanzo beans almost daily in my salad. I would love to win this and make the beans from scratch!
I would love to win this. I am really trying to make the final step into veganism from being a vegetarian and this would help ensure I get my protein need met.
I would love to have the pressure cooker! I always either over or under cook beans so this would be a lifesaver!!!
I would SOOOO love to win this… it looks like a real gem!!!
I just found out I need to be on a gluten free diet and so beans are going to be a very important part of my life! I’d really prefer not to buy canned beans with all the “extra” stuff they put in them. This would make it so much easier for me to have beans on almost a daily basis. Thank you.
As a type 2 diabetic, I’ve been on a quest for good vegan eats and I would LOVE to eat more homemade beans!! Having a pressure cooker dedicated to that end would be truly fantastic!
I would love to have a pressure cooker to add to my kitchen. It would be such a time saver. What an awesome giveaway.
I have a conventional Pressure Cooker and would LOVE to switch up to the electronic version. The timer feature is going to be a plus!! I use the timer on my rice cooker and bread machines all the time!
I love the taste of homemade cooked beans rather than canned ones. Fast, tasty and so much more healthy! Having the right tool for our “WORK” of cooking is expensive but an incredibly smart way to make our job easier!
I really am disappointed that us Canadians can not enter this contest~not fair!!!!
I talked to the company, they do not ship to Canada, they said a Canadian CAN win but only if they agree to have it shipped to a USA address (like a friend or a border pickup point) and then pick it up from them or have them forward it to Canada. They did not ship one to me in Canada, I had to drive to Montana to get it, so it wouldn’t be fair to let someone win a free one shipped to Canada if they won’t even ship it to Canada for a customer. It’s in the rules, I did my best.
That’s ok Veronica~not your rules! Do you know if a person can get one in Canada?
Probably not except by going down there. Ok thank you….
O this would be so good for our house since we have so many that I have to cook for each day. We eat lots of different beans to streach out meals for we have 9 children some are foster and 8 adults for the night meal. This is for me so I can read more on health.
This looks like a great cooker to have. I have struggled with the various cooking times needed for different types of beans. This really takes all the guesswork out of it. Easy peasy!
Oh this is just what I have been looking for. I have had my eye on a pressure cooker to help with the amount of beans that I cook and we eat, but this is even better. Thanks for the chance.
I love this giveaway! I have never heard of a bean cooker before, but I’d love to have one, it would really save time for me! Thanks.
THis would be an awesome addition to our kitchen. I am excited to be able to participate in the contest. Nothing beats making it yourself so you know what is in it!!!!
This would be a fabulous addition to my kitchen! I have been cooking beans for thirty years the “old fashioned” way….soaking overnight and cooking them the next day. Since I eat beans every day, this would be a tremendous time saver for me. I sure would like to ee the EZ Bean Cooker sitting on my counter!
I am always trying new and different ways for my kids to eat healthy meals. While they like beans, it is very time consuming to soak beans before cooking. I wish I had the time to do that but being a working mother, my time is hectic. This machine would work wonders in preparing beans for healthy meals for my kids. I really I win the EZ Bean Cooker!
I converted to a full vegan diet just over a year ago and have never looked back! My husband took a little longer to convince to make the change, but thanks to the fact that he loves beans it wasn’t too difficult. I’m just not the best bean cooker in the world. Hah. I’m attempting to eliminate as much processed and canned food from our diet as possible and this would make life so much easier! If I win I’ll give it to my husband as a gift for loving me enough to walk this vegan path with me. π
I LOVE BEANS….Would like to never have to use canned because of the BPH and because of the canned taste!
I have been collecting kitchen appliances & gadgets since I went vegan/whole foods in January. This would be a star in my collection as I make a batch of beans at least once a week, currently in my slow cooker.
I am fairly new to a vegan diet. It can be challenging and a lot of work. Veronica’s news letter and FB have been such a help!! I love her recipes and have found so many easy ways to prepare delicious food!! A challenge I do have is with beans … As much as I try to avoid canned beans, because of prep time I frequently use cans. The bean cooker would be a dream come true. Veronica thank you so much for your wisdom and making this lifestyle change for me and my family so much easier ????.
I am fairly new to a vegan diet. It can be challenging and a lot of work. Veronica’s news letter and FB have been such a help!! I love her recipes and have found so many easy ways to prepare delicious food!! A challenge I do have is with beans … As much as I try to avoid canned beans, because of prep time I frequently use cans. The bean cooker would be a dream come true. Veronica thank you so much for your wisdom and making this lifestyle change for me and my family so much easier ????.
I would love to win the EZ Bean Cooker so I can finally stop buying canned beans!
Oh man i have been wanting this!!!!
This would be an amazing kitchen gadget, as I ALWAYS forget to soak beans before I use them and thus usually resort to canned (more expensive) beans!
Very excited to use this product for ease in cooking whole, unprocessed, or canned beans. I am trying to follow the McDougal diet. This will help.
Wow! this is the one for me! I always forget to soak the beans. Every night I am supposed to do it for the next day, but I always forget! This marvelous pot would solve my problem. I am fed up buying cans especially knowing that cooking the beans myself would be a lot healthier. Thanks Veronica for this info. I promise to give this wizard of a pot a really good home!
My fiancΓ©e is a truck driver and we are trying to come up with ways for him (and eventually him and I ) to eat healthy and inexpensively on the road!!
I would live to do more beans from scratch to save time and money
I live alone and hate to wait hours to cook beans for just me. This would be ideal. What a great gift.
I am so excited about this contest and the EZ Bean cooker. I would love to have an easier way to cook beans. I am fairly new (since December) to a vegan lifestyle and this would be a wonderful addition to my kitchen.
oh how amazing this would be for my family! Oh the things I could cook for my kiddos quickly! They love their vegan lifestyle!!!!!!
I would love to win this bean cooker! Recently I have been researching healthy eating and I am convinced that low fat vegan is the way to go. I have been trying tomake changes slowly so I don’t scare my husband and kids away from it. One of my biggest obstacles is being busy and not always having the time to cook beans, which are a great source of protein! My daughter has completely fallen in love with beans and has no issue with giving up meat….I do know, however, that I cannot completely cut all the foods out that I would like unless I can commit to making healthy options for us all the time….I know beans are a must in a healthy vegan diet, and I think this would really help us make the switch
Being newer to vegetarianism this would be fabulous! Much easier than soaking and cooking. Thanks for all your great recipes!
I would like to win the EZ Bean Cooker for one simple reason. I really want one, but I can’t afford to buy it!
I’ve wanted a pressure cooker for a long time and have also thought about cooking
beans for awhile too. This would be great to do both.
This cooker would be a dream come true! I have recently discovered how amazing home cooked beans are…no comparison to canned!! But watching over a pot on the stove is not so appealing π Thanks for this opportunity, Veronica!
I stopped using anything from a can long ago. Would love to have a faster way to cook a lot of beans. I usually do a large amount and freeze in one cup portions. Saves a lot of time. Home cooked tastes better than canned too!
Being my husband is from Central America we eat a lot of beans. Beans for breakfast, lunch and dinner – and sometimes desert!
I would absolutely LOVE this EZ Bean Cooker! It is something I would use every day – more than once and it would save me a lot of hassle, mess and fuss in the kitchen.
A long time adherent to McDougall Program and Low-Fat Vegan Chef, this bean cooker would be the answer to my prayers!
I would love one of these because I am always cooking dry beans and currently use a slow cooker. It takes sooooo long to cook them that way and I can never get them cooked to perfection when done on the stove.
A pressure cooker for beans. How wonderful is that?
Hi all!
This EZ Bean Cooker would be EXCELLENT to add to my daily hectic life (lol). I am a full time working and student Mom. Time is very crucial. I always am in the lookout for ways and resources to help me manage my time efficiently and effectively (the double E’s I love). Always on the run, this EZ Bean Cooker will help me make quick and easy nutritional low fat Vegan foods for me and my daughter. Thank you so much for this opportunity to win this awesome time-saving tool! ;D Good luck everyone!
Thank you all,
Hi Veronica. I’m so glad you introduced this product. I’ve never heard of one and would increase my use of beans with one! Thanks for the chance to win one.
The time savings this cooker would offer would make LFV living so much more convenient!!! due to the time requirements I often go with canned, but with 40 minutes for raw beans who needs cans!!!
I would love to have a pressure cooker so that I have no excuse to have cooked beans readily available for recipes.
I want to make some beans so I am able to can them….sounds like a simple method.
This would help with planning weekly meals and it is so easy my husband might even be able to use it.
I’ve thought about getting a pressure cooker. It would be a good way to save time & money.
Wow!! This would be soooo helpful, especially with working full time! π
I have always wanted a pressure cooker and this looks fantastic! I am sure we would all eat more beans around here if I won!
Wow! I didn’t even know something like this existed! This would make cooking so much easier for me. Beans are a component of probably at least 75% of my meals, so this would be a great time saver.
I had no idea this amazing gadget existed. I would love one!
I love my rice cooker and can’t live without it now. I can see a bean cooker becoming the same way!
Oh! This would be grand to have. I just got a juicer so I have my green covered. If I were to win this, I would have my beans covered, too. What a great way to get healthy. π Thank you for this contest. What fun!
I cook beans all the time! I use a slow cooker and takes FOREVER!!!! I have been thinking about getting a pressure cooker! So, this would be perfect for me. On a plant based diet, beans are essential!!!! I sure hope I win!
This looks like a lot of fun to have in the kitchen. It would be wonderful to have a process of cooking beans without heating up the house. I have a large garden and am growing a lot of various kinds of beans this year. I believe this would be a useful tool in any home.
Oh my gosh this will be so helpful! My beans always end up mushy and gross.
I would love to use this instead of continuing to buy beans in the can. I want to try some lentil soup first.
I’m not sure if leaving a comment is how to enter but I’d love to win this EZ Bean Cooker!!!
You also have to use the Giveawaytools widget above to enter, and comment on the blog.
This would be such a helpful addition to our kitchen we are continually cooking beans and are frequently frustrated by the texture we get from our current process. What a great looking product!