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Sometimes I get asked what the best vegan vitamins
are, or which ones I use myself. While many doctors
and health experts recommend that EVERYONE
take a daily multivitamin, they’re not telling you
that some of the vitamins and minerals shouldn’t
be included because of potential risk of overdose.
So please investigate which multivitamins you
are taking to ensure they are right for you first.
This is especially important when eating a plant
based diet as well, as we naturally are getting
higher doses of folic acid, vitamin A, beta
carotene, copper and iron. Which is why I go to
Dr. Fuhrman for my daily multi vitamin as his
vitamins are designed WITHOUT any extra folic
acid, vitamin A, beta carotene, copper or iron to
reduce the risk of toxic overload. (Because these
vitamins and minerals are not water soluble and
can cause problems if taken in high doses.)
Dr. Fuhrman’s vitamins also come in a women’s
formula (with D3), men’s vegan formula (with D3) a,
vegan gentle care formula for everyone and a children’s
formula. Most of the vitamin formulas are vegan and
comprised of high quality ingredients that you can
feel safe about using. It’s also nice that some include
a vegan D3 (check beforehand) as we know that most of us in
Western countries are severely deficient in Vitamin
D. (I know I am!)
For more information on Dr. Fuhrman’s supplements
check them out
I also like to use a DHA/EPA supplement just in case to
also ensure I’m getting my essential fatty acids in a form
my body can use. (This is especially important as we age.)
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So now you know my recommendation for vegan
multivitamins and supplements.
I really don’t buy a lot of supplements, but the ones I do,
I get from Dr. Fuhrman because I respect his work and
the quality of his formulations.
Hi Veronica,
I really enjoy your posts! I visited Dr. Fuhrman’s website and saw that the men’s multi vitamins mentioned vegan D3 and “now 100% vegan”; the gentle multi was vegan withD2; but the women’s multi contained D3 (cholecalciferol) and was not janeled as vegan. Am I missing something as I would really like to try his products. I am currently taking MegaFood brand Vegan Daily multi vitamins.
Thank you!!
Hi Gina,
When I first bought his vitamins I got the Gentle Formula for everyone which is vegan. I use a liquid D3 supplement I already have to supplement that portion as I still have a few bottles of the gentle formula left.
The men’ss and women’s formulas seem new, so I’m not sure why just the men’s is vegan at this time.
Personally I am ok with using a non vegan version of D3 if necessary, but I have found a few vegan ones and if they’re available I will buy them. It’s a personal choice whether to go with the gentle formula or the women’s. Maybe in the future it will be changed to a vegan formula as well.