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Eat To Live on Amazon
guest post by one of my readers Cynthia P. Colby
So you’ve heard about the Eat to Live program created by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and wonder what it’s all about – if it’s really as good as promoted. In a word – YES. I personally believe it’s the best way on the planet to eat. It’s a great way to lose weight – AND a whole lot of major and minor health problems – making your life a whole lot better and much more enjoyable no matter what age you’re at! It will also save you a pile of grocery money and money for medicines in the long term. That said, it’s not for everyone. Let me tell you what it’s about and you can see if it’s for you.
The Eat to Live program is actually pretty simple. Health equals nutrients divided by calories. If nutrients (nutrient-rich foods) are higher than calories you’re doing it correctly! What it boils down to is a focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables with limited amounts of whole grain foods. It does not include animal products like butter and meat – well, there is an option to include some lean fish and an egg white omelet, but it’s preferred that you don’t – and suggests you avoid caffeine and alcohol as well. The easiest part of all is that there are no complicated calculations or calorie counting – what you eat and can’t eat are clearly laid out.
Still sounds tough, considering that we’re enmeshed in a ‘take-out’ and ‘packaged up’ society of calorie-filled, salt and sugar saturated food. Just think about what you’ve eaten in the past week! It’s actually rather shocking when you see how badly we fuel our bodies. What you need to do with this way of eating is make yourself important enough to take the time to prepare your own food – from food that you can actually grow, or at least pick up in the fresh fruit and vegetable section of your grocery store.
One main shift is that the main dish of every meal is the salad, not a piece of meat or pile of starch. Here’s what you can look forward to eating: an unlimited amount of raw vegetables; cooked green vegetables, along with eggplant, a rainbow of peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes; 1 cup or more of beans – and there are so many types and flavors and delightful textures of beans! – bean sprouts and tofu every day; and at least 4 servings of fresh fruit a day. You can have starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn 1 cup daily, whole grains are one cup daily, an ounce of raw nuts every day, and 2 ounces of avocado each day as well. To top that off, you get 1 tablespoon of ground flax a day and a teaspoon of oil every day as well. If you’re trying to lose weight, you should eat at least 1 pound of raw vegetables and 1 pound of cooked vegetables per day – that will fill you up! What you’ll be avoiding, as you may have noticed, is all refined carbohydrates such as: bread, pasta, white rice, fruit juice, and sugar. If you feel this change is too drastic, there’s even a transition program you can start on which includes a weekly shopping list, menus, and recipes. Mmm!
Dr. Fuhrman’s Eat to Live program is not a diet, it’s a way to eat for the rest of your life, based on sound nutritional information – it makes good sense. Many renowned studies have proven its positive effects – losing weight is only one of them. Hundreds of thousands of people have reversed diabetes, heart disease, cancer and cardiovascular and autoimmune disease following this style of eating! Now, it’s your choice!
Find out how easy, tasty and satisfying eating on this program can be and get the book here!
For Dr. Fuhrman style recipes check out this section of the blog.
Oops! Sorry. A few too many “ands” in my last post.
Been on the program for two weeks and have lost 10 pounds and feeling great. No more stomach problems or heartburn or indigestion.
I have been following Dr. Furhman’s plan for 8 weeks and have lost 20 pounds! It is a complete change to my eating habits. I don’t crave the processed foods any more. I do miss being able to eat on the run. It does take planning to stay true to this way of eating.
I am a Diabetic. I have read the book and nothing referred to adjusting recipes for Diabetes. Is there a different spot for those recipes?
Thank you.
Dr. Furhman does not use a lot of sugar or fat in his recipes and they are whole food so I don’t think they need to be adjusted per se for diabetes. I know he has many clients who have reversed type 2 diabetes by eating his recipes exclusively. You may want to ask him on his website if you like as well http://www.drfuhrman.com/ask/contact.aspx
Dear Susan, if you haven’t head yet- Dr. Joel Fuhrman has published a new book specifically for diabetes patients, entitled “The End of Diabetes.” I haven’t read it in full, but I believe it follows many of the same principles as “Eat to Live.” Good luck!
I’ve read it & and and am following his plan as type 2 diabetes runs in my family and I don’t want to get it. Funny thing with my family is that we get even though we are slim. I’m enjoying eating to live!