(Dr. X Project is On Hiatus due to her current work commitments)
So last week I posted our (Dr. X’s and I) video debunking the liver flush, and many of you watched it and agreed, but we got a few angry emails and comments. For this reason Dr. X really wanted to clear up any remaining misconceptions you may have on the liver flush, the gallbladder, how the body works when you drink this oil and citrus/apple juice combination and what is actually coming out after your liver flush.
Here is the video below, and if you’d like to like and subscribe you can do so by clicking on the youtube icon on the bottom right of the video.
Question #1: What about herbal cleanses and herb detoxes?
Question #2: What about the people on curezone who have cured themselves of gallstones? And why is gallbladder surgery the number #1 surgery in America?
Question #3: What are the hard angular whitish grey things I passed during my 13,14,15 liver flush if they were not gallstones? (a couple of handfuls).
Question #4: Why are you talking to us like preschoolers and being condescending?
I’ve also posted extended answers on each question from a second take of our video separately on Dr. X’s youtube site if you need a more in depth answer on each question.
Please feel free to post any additional comments or questions and Dr. X will answer them in a subsequent video. Please note that all communication and comments directed to Dr. X can be used for future video content (but your name will be withheld for privacy.) Enjoy!
References for why the liver flush/gallbladder flush is not physiologically possible from researchers and medical experts:
Harvard Medical School- The Dubious Practice of Detox: http://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/HEALTHbeat_072208.htm
QuackWatch – The Truth About the Gallbladder and Liver Flush http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/flushes.html
Mayo Clinic – What is a gallbladder cleanse? Is it an effective way to flush out gallstones?
A surgeon’s take on the liver flush BASED on the testimonials written on Curezone.com
Suggested textbooks by Dr. X – Concise Colour Medical Dictionary (Oxford Paperback Reference) : http://amzn.to/16cyjEU
– Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 9e http://amzn.to/1gGn6nv
Picture of Gallbladder: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GallbladderAnatomy.png
Wikipedia on Gallbladder: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallbladder for a free general information source.
I also wanted to share this video we made back in the spring just to give you an idea of Dr. X’s personal history of illness and being a patient in the medical system while also being a medical student during her struggle for diagnosis of celiac disease. This is why she is so passionate about helping you so you don’t struggle for health and confusion within the natural health and western medical world.