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Is Your Skincare Toxic?
of heat is some sticky sweaty moisturizer melting off your face and
irritating your skin. But you also want to protect it by staying out
of direct sunlight for long periods of time to prevent burning.Luckily for me, I have some AMAZING skin care products to treat my
skin while dealing with this heat after coming from the dry dry
climate of the Rocky Mountains where the humidity level is next
to nothing. Frequent climate changes can wreak havoc on your skin
when going from humid to dry weather all the time.
I have grown up in the dry climate of Calgary, AB where all of the
moisture seems to have been sucked dry from the air. My skin has
always tended to be dry and flakey in this climate and feel rather
uncomfortable. Going without chapstick for a day is just not possible
either in that climate.
I’m sure I’m not alone here in my quest to find the best skin care
products to protect, hydrate and improve my skin tone. I have bought
and tried almost every product line of cleansers, moisturizers, toners,
scrubs, masks etc. And what did I get from this? The same results.
Often dry, irritated itchy skin with a huge pile of bottles and
containers filling up my bathroom drawers and medicine cabinets.
Most products are a total WASTE of money. And what’s more
they’re actually very TOXIC to you as well.Your skin is your
body’s largest organ and it both absorbs and excretes water,
oils and toxins from your body and your environment. It’s why
hormone and nicotine patches work “so well” to deliver drugs
right to your blood stream. Many beauticians and companies
selling beauty products want to tell you that their products
are safe and that you cannot possibly absorb any of the chemicals
present in their products directly into your body.
But they are WRONG.
I used to actually sell beauty products with an MLM named
brand company. It’s one of the biggest direct sales beauty
product companies in the world. You probably have an idea
who I’m talking about… “Think Pink” and you’ll be up
to speed.I noticed at first my skin seemed to not react to these
products and thought it was getting smoother and more
refined, but 6 months later I noticed that I seemed to be
REALLY allergic to something. Patches of skin began to
flake and turn red and peel, especially on my lips. So I
started looking at the ingredients of my products and I was
in shock at what I saw.
PETROLEUM as a main ingredient for my lip balm, hand cream
AND face cream. I was now certain that I was allergic to
this and it was definitely not something my body needed to
come in contact with.
I started googling some of my other beauty products and came
accross this website: www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/. What a
help this was! Now I could simply type in the brand and name
of my products and it would give me a break down of the
ingredients and how safe or toxic they were. You can also
search through all of their products to find which ones are
the safest and read customer reviews on them.
I immediately emailed my company’s head office to talk to
them about this shocking discovery, surely they should know
that most of their products were rating high on the toxicity
The answer I received really sealed my fate at this company.
“We know about that website and do not endorse its
findings. Skin care products are not absorbed into the skin
past the top layer and are therefore not toxic or dangerous
to use. I hope this helps.”
No it certainly did not help! Immediately after I decided to
quit the company, stop using all products, and send back my
unused inventory. I could not continue to sell products to
my family and customers that were irritating and toxic and
most likely HARMFUL to their health with continued daily
So I began searching again at the health food store this
time, for new products to replace my old ones. But I kept
seeing the same kinds of chemicals on products being labeled
“natural” or “organic”. As far as I’m concerned if I
cannot understand an ingredient on a label I should not be
eating it or wearing it!
Dissappointed, I settled for some plain 100% shea butter and
a high thread count soft washcloth, which helped a little,
waiting for a product like to really stand out to me.
Top 12 Ingredients to Avoid in Shampoo, Makeup and Skin Care Products
Then I met Annmarie Gianni in 2009, while at an Expo in
California along with her husband Kevin Gianni from the
Renegade Health Show. She had brought samples of a new skin
care line she was developing. She had me smell them at first
and asked what I thought. One smelled like honey and
coconut! Mmm. Then she smiled as said, “Guess what? It’s
actually edible too!”
Even Kevin, her husband started telling me how much he loved
using the facial scrub and daily moisturizer. He actually
enjoyed pampering his skin!
I asked her to tell me when these products would be
available for sale because I definitely wanted to purchase
the whole line.
Well, guess what? It’s all available now. For you, for me,
for your loved ones, for everyone!
I have tried Annmarie’s skin care and even tested it in
multiple climates. Whether I’m in hot tropical
climates or dry arrid climates like the mid west, these
products stand the test.
-They’re practically edible
-Great for all skin types
-Using small amounts goes a long way
-Have no hidden preservatives or toxins (they disclose every
ingredient, unlike most companies)
-Feel great
-And smell absolutely delicious
It’s hard for me to pick just one as my absolute favorite.
I love using the daily cleanser, the toning mist, the anti
aging serum, the facial scrub, the coconut body/face oil and
the honey coconut mask.
So my suggestion to you would be to just get it all! It will
seriously improve your skin and rekindle your love for
pampering yourself, all in a safe and natural way.
If the whole package is not for you, then I would at the
VERY least get the cleanser, toner, anti aging serum and the
honey coconut mask. You cannot miss out on that one. You
will love giving yourself facials every week. (and your
partner will love you for smelling so delicious all the time
Remember to go to www.cosmeticsdatabase.com to check out
your current skin care line to see just how “natural” it
is, and if you could be doing better.
To order Annmarie’s AMAZING Skin Care, click the image
$10 Sample Kits with FREE shipping ANYWHERE in the world!
These products that you have switched to sound great… I am a big fan of organic products… actually I just wrote a post similar to yours here, about the importance of what you put on your body. I myself used to be a rep for that big pink cosmetics company as well, and dropped them a few years back.
In my search for organic products, one thing I had difficulties finding, were natural hair products. In my search for natural shampoo, I actually found BlackBox Cosmetics, which is a company that provides face, body and hair products that are all aloe / botanically based and organically preserved. After I had tried their shampoo, I was sold, and actively started as an ISA (their commission structure beats any other that I have come across that’s for sure). It was like the perfect vegan alternative to that ‘other’ mlm company that we both rep’d for – plus I never have to stock products or go door to door because it’s all online and shipped directly to the customer from the warehouse!
If you get the chance, you should really check out shop.blackboxcosmetics.com/AY1029 and try out some of their products!